Wednesday 29 May 2013

WOYWW - 208

Crumbs, it's already here! Four years of WOYWW courtesy of Queen Julia and the big ATC swop - wahoo, you can also grab a badge like this one above from Julia's.

That's the good news, the bad news is I haven't made a single ATC due to this little lot:
Yup, I finally finished those 250 magnetic bookmarks for the school reunion this coming weekend - yesterday afternoon. Talk about 'Last Minute Dippy Di' here!

Also, the 'gubbins' at the front is the start of a card I was asked to make for our outgoing lady chairman. Those flowers took hours to make as each single layer is three sections - talk about glutton for punishment/detention/writing of lines, especially 'cos she seems to think I'm still a school junior! The ribbon is to go on the box I need to make for the card.

I've already made promises to some close bloggy friends to exchange ATCs - and they understand why I'm up against the end stop. Also, two other lovely bloggy friends have already sent me ATCs to be opened today - and I've kept to what they asked - but I do know they're both pretty mean with sewing machines and the envelopes are a tad plump :)

Sooooo, am not linking with an 'asterisk' today, why put more pressure on folks when I'm not even ready. BUT if you already have plans to send an ATC to 'Chez Moi' - or really would like one from me - do please let me know in a comment and I'll make my little batch right after the reunion weekend. Big Brownie Promise! Oh, and to 'The Knicker Sisters' - I'll be returning the favour and you're on my little list :)

Happy 208th WOYWW!



  1. I can quite understand why you have been a tad short of time with all those magnets to make. Well done for finishing them in time. I am also not joining with the swap this time. Thank you for passing on that lovely message from Barbara. She and the Clarity team sent me a beautiful arrangements of hyacinths. Hope your reunion goes well. xx Maggie

  2. Gorgeous magnets and a stunning card. :-) Such a pity you can't do the ATC thingy but I guess you would have no fingers left after all the work you've been doing !!!! Such a busy lady :-)

    Have a rest soon or you'll wear out !!!
    IKE xxx

  3. Gorgeous magnets and really gorgeous card too,
    hugs Tamara :)

  4. Hehehe....The knicker sisters!!!!!
    Happy to wait Di and would have been more than happy to help if only I lived closer :-)
    Happy 4th Birthday and here's to many more. :-)
    Annie x

  5. Well done on the challenge - you made it!! We'll miss you on Saturday but hope you have a great reunion!! Helen 39

  6. You've been one busy young lady... enjoy your time away. Now maybe you can relax just a bit. Will you share your card when you get back home? It looks lovely from what I can see. See you in a few.....

  7. Wow Di you have been busy and with such style. Happy WOYWW Anne x #84

  8. Hi Di
    you must be so pleased to have finished all that school stuff, gosh you have worked hard well done.
    Love the card you are making pretty colour blue
    Wishing you and everyone a Very Happy WOYWW today
    Ria #49

  9. The card looks beautiful and well done for finishing that mamouth run of bookmarks!

    Happy WOYWW 4th birthday.


  10. He he is that like the Scissor sisters but not quite so sharp and snappy!!! Just take your time Di - no rush. Happy 4th WOYWW x Jo

  11. Knicker sisters... oh my, think that one might stick!! You won't be disappointed, their ATC's are stunning! Glad you managed to finish all the magnets... what a workload!!Happy 4th WOYWW Anniversary! Annette #2

  12. Helloooo! Happy WOYWW!
    Had to LOL at your Knicker Sisters!! Gotta be their new name. Which is Elastic and which is Lace then?
    I have an ATC to go in the post for you Honey.

  13. It’s amazing that the internet can bring together so many likeminded people and I’m grateful that WOYWW has also brought along so many new friends, thanks to Julia.

    I’m not surprised you didn’t have time to make ATC’s having done that little lot Di but only finishing yesterday………..I thought you were a lot more organised than that!
    Enjoy your Wednesday snooping on this very special Day
    Happy Crafting!
    Sue @82

  14. Hi Di

    I am VERY impressed at your desk tidiness after all the work you've been doing! Your nearly there!

    Happy 4th Anniversary WOYWW honey.

    Sarn xxx

  15. Have a great time at the crop which I will sadly miss due to flying to Germany.
    Beautiful cards and book marks... what a result!!
    Happy 4th WOYWW anniversary
    love Jo x

  16. Crikey, well done on getting all those bookmarks done! The card looks fab. Happy 4th WOYWW. Pam#33

  17. you are a glutton for punishment...I love the bookmarks and the card though. I am way behind on making my ATC and hope to have them out this weekend so if you would like to share a swap email me at and I will swap with you. Happy WOYWW 4th Anniversary. Have a great week. Vickie #14

  18. Last minute is Friday night! You've done well gal, great job..and we know how well received they'll be. Glutton for punishment or incapable of saying no...hmmm, too nice for your own good of course. We're having a bit of a get together ourselves on Saturday (!!), we'll of course be thinking of you . Have bags of fun. And no naughty school pranks!

  19. For 4 years now i've been dropping by,
    To view your desk and see what I can spy,
    Will it be a card, some stash or ATC,
    whatever it is, thanks for sharing it,
    Have a Happy WOYWW 4th Anniversary

    Hugz Minxy #60

  20. You must be soooo pleased to have finished all those bookmarks! Enjoy your reunion.

  21. Happy 4th Anni WOYWW! Your desk, the card, and the bookmarks? Impressive, Di! That really says it all. Impressive! Have a WONDERFUL time at the reunion (and next time say, "NO!")!

  22. Hi there, Di, I do think there is a case to be made for changing the timing of the school reunion in future years ... just so it doesn't coincide with the WOYWW anniversary. That's a sterling job you've made of those bookmarks and the card is simply stunning - I'm sure the lady chairman will be suitably impressed too. Have a wonderful time at the bash :) Oh, and happy 4th anniversary to you - I hope you've had a lovely WOYWW, Elizabeth x #155

  23. I think it's sad you won't get to attend the crop, but I know you'll have a lot of fun at the reunion. You'd better. After all, you've worked very hard on those magnets!

    Happy WOYWW4 from # 17.

  24. I'm glad you got all those bookmarks finished up, but what a job! Leave it to beaver next time! Have a wonderful time at the reunion, pity about the crop though.

    Brenda 120

  25. Hi Di,
    The bookmarks look fantastic, you have done so well to get them all finished. I too haven't asterisked my posting due to lack of time. I am sure everyone understands just fine.
    Lovely card there too, as always!

  26. Gorgeous bookmarks!
    I won't be at the meetup either - I'm going to Leighton Buzzard for the weekend, DH is meeting up with some old school friends - I shall sit and stitch!!
    Enjoy your reunion, you should after all that hard work, and have fun

    Bishopsmate #91

  27. Your card is going to be well loved.,..I still can't get ovet all the bookmarks you made!

    They are sure lucky that you attended that school...teehee

  28. Hi Di - I am slowly cruising for WOYWW - love your card - very elegant - Happy 4th WOYWW Birthday... Mxx #137

  29. Holy Smokes 250 magnets wow that's alot but they look so kewl :) Happy late WOYWW4 hugs Nikki 145

  30. Hello Di,

    That's A LOT of bookmarks! The card looks beautiful (as do the bookmarks).

    I haven't started my ATCs yet either so am still taking names... with the caveat that they know I'm not going to be on time..... haa.

    Phoenix was wonderful. A real vacation and I needed it so - even if we didn't do a whole lot.

    Happy WOYWW my lovely friend!

    Kay (158)

  31. Goodness - what a lot of bookmarks - and well done with the card - it's gorgeous. Open up a nice bottle of bubbly and relax for a while after all that.
    Margaret #70


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