Thursday 13 November 2014

Me vewy bad girl

HUGE apologies playmates - I've slipped behind with my snippets commenting again. In between struggling on sanding down walls and still feeling under the weather after the flu shot (Len too, which is reassuring) - time is just slipping as the day goes by, probably as everything seems to take twice as long as it normally would do :(

Maybe we need a good dose of this:

Or possibly this sort of tonic might be better:


'Ere though, that's a teeny bottle of gin for sure :)

I'll catch up ASAP!



  1. Not my form of poison, but whatever gets you going!! The nights are getting chilly so I´m on dark rum and hot blackcurrant, but it is definitely a bed-time drink, not a wake-you-up one.
    I´ve had no after-effects from my flu jab this year. Yay! Kate x

  2. I had to declare yesterday an "Official Friday". Sometimes life gets like that!

  3. Not sure about your tonic and the gin is a VERY small bottle. Hope you get over the flu jabs soon - we're having ours on Monday so hope I don't get same reaction!

  4. Only if we can all have one...leave the tonic out of mine!

  5. Oh Di, I hope you feel better soon!! I know you said you were sanding down walls and such, so you might have a sinus infection. I know when we remodeled our house everyone in the house came down with a bad sinus infection from the remodeling dust. So here 8 people, 2 adults and 6 boys, headed off to our family doctor to get treated. That dust does bad things to our sinus!!! Hugs, Brenda

  6. Sorry you're not feeling great, Di. Luckily I had no reaction to my flu shot this year xxx

  7. 2nd would be my hope your feeling better quickly Di and Len house renovations can pull you down a little too.... flu jabs are suppose to make you a little ill so l hear my hubby was of the same take care and get plenty of rest xx

  8. I like option 2!!!

    Used to be my drink of choice....Lately a chilled Bailey's over ice goes down nice!!!

  9. Sometimes DH and I have a G & T before dinner or maybe a sherry which was what we had this evening, but I must admit that like Mo I do like a Bailey's with a little ice. Thank you Di you have visited me this afternoon and I have just found the comment. Thank you greatly. xx

  10. Never go with your first choice Di, I am sure that the Gin will sand down quicker than the Ionic Tonic.

    Kath xx

  11. Oops forgot to say love the fringe.
    K xxxx

  12. Hope you are both feeling better by now and feeling more perky. Hugs, Elizabeth xx

  13. Tee Hee! Looks like all the different methods worked - because I just enjoyed your lovely tags. Maybe I should have you send me some of these remedies to get me out of my vale of Sloth that I'm presently struggling through. Have a wonderful weekend, and don't work too hard. Glad you & Len are feeling better. Hugs


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