Friday 4 November 2011

Friday Feast - Cabbage Layer

I originally found this 'recipe' in a little Kraft Cheese recipe booklet - more years ago than I care to remember! The booklet is long gone but it's more of a 'way of putting something together' than a real recipe anyhow. I think of it as a twist on lasagne:
Cabbage Layer

Bolognese sauce
1 white cabbage
20 cheese slices - or less if you wish, but a pack of 10 isn't enough. These should be the 'processed cheese' slices as they melt better during cooking and I've found that a supermarket's own brand works fine.

I think everyone has their own way of making bolognese sauce so all I'll say here is to prepare a pan of the sauce as you would normally do. And, I'm thinking about Bubbles here, this makes a good meat free dish if you use something like Quorn mince.

Meanwhile, chop the white cabbage into chunks. A green (Savoy for example) cabbage won't work so well as it doesn't keep the crunch and can make the end result too watery. Boil or steam the cabbage until it's still 'al dente' (get me!) and has some 'bite to it still and then drain it really well. I reckon 10 minutes cooking time max.

Then you begin layering into something like a pasta dish - half the bolognese sauce, half the well drained cabbage then half the cheese slices to cover the whole surface. Repeat, ending with a top layer of cheese slices. If you're really into cheese you can add a sprinkling of grated cheese on top - last night I just sprinkled some paprika over the surface.

Bake in the oven, at around 180 degrees C, for 30 minutes or so.

A quick and easy supper dish :) Enjoy!

News on the IT support front, I spent two and a half hours at my friend's trying to sort out her internet problems - even to the extent of hooking up one of our spare modems and goodness knows what. By then it was looking like it was the laptop that was sick so, in the end, I brought it home for my 'in-house' IT chappie to look at. I do feel vindicated though as, after over another three hours (that man is like a dog with a bone and won't be beaten!) the problem was resolved. This makes me laugh though - it turned out that a couple of software drivers had to be loaded onto the laptop to replace corrupted ones - and there was only one way of doing this. Yup, by downloading them from the internet! So, it wasn't something that could be fixed in isolation - and certainly not fixed by a laptop unable to access the flipping internet in the first place :)) Dontcha just lurve New Technology?!



  1. Another tasty recipe Di. I must try this sometime. My Chris loves cabbage. (Would you believe, when I took my nursery class of four year olds around Sainsburys at harvest time, they all knew what a mushroom and a sweet pepper were, but not one of them could identify a cabbage!).

    Had to laugh at the IT saga. We get times like that in out house. Fortunately I too have an 'in-house' IT chappie to sort my problems out. Your friend is lucky to have folk like you two to turn to for help. Kate x

  2. Hmmm . . . interesting dinner idea! But I might swap the cabbage for lasagne sheets!!!! Ooops . . . that's make it a lasagne! Oh well, you can't win 'em all!

    Congrats to the In-house IT Engineer for fixing your friend's pooter. xxx

  3. Sounds like a yummy tea in the making. Cheers for the recipe.
    IT never fails to make me smile...We can fiddle for hours and our son walks in and fixes it in seconds :-)
    A x

  4. Hi Di, So pleased l saw your tasty dish this morning as l havn't anything planned for dinner tonight so will give this a go, it looks scrummy and mouth watering!! Oh just to let you know l have changed the background to my blog and again thank you for all your comments:) Sandra H

  5., love, love (did I say love?)cheese! I'm thinking this will be another one of my favourites Di! Keep em coming girl! P.S...My Mom will like this one too. LOL

  6. lovely...I'm drooling!!! Do you want to be my personal chef?? I am rubbish at cooking!

  7. Hmmmm will have to try that recipe Di it sounds lovely thanks. If you need any IT help hubby is a wiz at them. Hugs Jenny xx

  8. Looks and sounds good but I'm not a fan of processed cheese, so I think I'd use Gruyere, which would melt beautifully x

  9. Good God!  That is 2 die 4!


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