Sunday 26 September 2021

Pixie's Snippets Playground - Challenge #411 - results

As I said last week, Autumn is certainly on the way here and temperatures are dropping slowly, but steadily. And more Christmas cards are appearing in the Playground as well. I'm just so pleased I resolved not to kill myself by making dozens of them this year. However, I will still be sending hand made cards to my crafting friends, close family and a few other close friends.

We had some really beautiful floral entries into Challenge #411 and Sarn (my brilliant Head Prefect and also Head Mischief Maker) and I picked several mutual favourites which happened to have a floral theme, I've stayed with that for all of our picks. Several of your cards were also entered into the Allsorts Challenge blog in memory of our much missed friend Kath - so it seems extra fitting for some of them to feature here. I know that Brenda of Allsorts was delighted at the love and care people put into their entries. Kath certainly was, and always will be, a much loved lady.

Sarn and I both absolutely agreed that one entry in particular was worthy of a 'Gold Star':
We both think that Vinita's card is absolutely glorious! Such vibrant colours, all individually water coloured so perfectly - using lots of scraps of white card, and then colouring them. Just stunning. Do feel free to collect a *Gold Star* badge from the RH sidebar Vinita for your own blog, if you so wish of course.
This card really is so lovely, made by Lynne and beautifully paper pieced. Such wonderful colours and really a stunning card. The gorgeous 'frame' uses a set of dies by Clearly Besotted - such a clever idea. Hint, watch this space girls!

Vicky always makes her wonderful cards look almost effortlessly elegant, but it's a real skill - and this card is a perfect illustration of that. Just a little detail such as adding a blue centre to the flower to pull the card together is a perfect finishing touch. 

Now, this image might look like a flower - but just peek a bit closer. It's a 'lion flower'! The sweet little guy has the face of a teddy with the tail and the mane of a lion.☺ The mane reminds me so much of a multi-coloured flower and I was fooled at first - what an adorable card!  Made by Lynne in NI (Ruby's Mum) - who always produces such gorgeous cards.

And here's one I kept up my sleeve when SaRn and I were discussing our mutual picks:
Yay! It's a snippets card, made for Kath's Allsorts Challenge, by our own Head Prefect - SaRn of Stamping for Pleasure! It's absolutely gorgeous and Kath would have loved it so, so much Sarn. Perfection!
I've already thanked Sarn last week on here, but you have no idea how much she helped out after my 'tumbling act'. It was a huge relief to have her immediately phone me as soon as she knew and then step in and take over the reins whilst I got over the whole event. Mind you, I did follow on behind her commenting, later on so I could see all the entries properly, and make up my own list of picks - and some of the mischief plotting that was going on did make me chortle at times! Many thanks once again Sarn, that was a real lesson in life!
And finally, we had one new Playmate joining us for the first time:

Let's welcome Denise (Bryant) - with this fabulous Halloween card. You totally 'get' what the snippets challenge is all about Denise, lovely work!

That's our picks from Challenge #411 and we had 44 entries (going back up again - hooray!) in total.

Now for the prize draw, which is a bumper selection of Halloween goodies - jointly donated by Heather Mills and myself. Many thanks once again Heather! And the winner is:



Congratulations Greta! It seems like ages since you last won a prize - and I'll do my best to make sure this arrives in time for you to have a little play before Halloween. ☺

Please send me your address, even if you know that I know it already, with your full name at the top as well so it can be can be copied and pasted for speed and ease. It's a good prompt for me and also confirmation that you still would like the prize of course.  Please put Playground Winner or similar in the subject line of your email in case it drops into my junk mail. Email address is on RH sidebar as always.

Remember folks, there's still almost one more week to run on the current Challenge #412 which you can find HERE. The prize is an Altenew 'Poured Acrylic' paper pack and a Lawn Fawn 'Giant Happy Birthday to You' die.

Challenge #411 was in aid of Ruby's Memory and I just sent off a further donation to USPCA, the rescue charity who saved Ruby and gave her the chance of the wonderful life she had with Lynne and Greg. That means, thanks to your generous prize donations, and the addition of Gift Aid tax relief onto my donations in lieu of buying prizes, we've raised £150 for USPCA so far - and still plenty more prizes to go as well! 

The September Rudolph Days challenge started on 25th and runs until the end of the month - over at ScrappyMo's HERE.

We had our flu vaccinations on Thursday - I won't bore you with details of the queuing fiasco but let's say the organisation left a lot to be desired. Next year, if the organisation looks to be basically inviting folk to 'join in a scrum' then we'll book into a local pharmacy (in the UK for example, Boots and Lloyds offer the service) with properly timed 20 minute appointments. Not everyone knows you can do this and that all the NHS conditions still apply (such as free jabs for certain age group and conditions) and they also notify your GP after you have your jab.
And, drum roll - tomorrow is 27th September, exactly three years from the day we collected Dudley and our lives changed forever. Happy 'Gotcha Day' sweet boy and thank you for all the love and joy you brought with you - gosh, you look so very tiny there:
Photo was taken very soon after we got Dudley back home on his 'gotcha day' - not a very long journey but he was bewildered, stressed and exhausted. So he did what puppies do best, curled up in his new bed with a blanket 'scented with his Mum and siblings aroma' that the breeder thoughtfully gave to all the puppies .................. and had a 'snoozelet', before even thinking about exploring his new home! We both remember it so well, Len ended up sleeping most of the night downstairs on a sofa - with a very homesick little puppy on his chest, covered in the soothing blanket - listening to his 'new Dad's' heart beating.

Love from Parsnip, myself and the usual happy 'high-five' and woof from Dudley.


  1. Sorry Di, I also meant to say what a lovely photo of tiny Dudley on his first day with cute!! x

  2. Terrific picks -- congrats to all!
    Wonderful photo of Dudley, and such a fond memory I'm sure!

  3. Oh golly - that was sneaky of you to include my card in the picks - but very kind too. Thank you.

    Congrats to Greta on her win, and to all the other showcased playmates, especially to Vinita on her well deserved gold star award.

    I was only too happy to help out (and make a lot of mischief at the same time). Glad you made a good recovery.

    How time flies - can’t believe it’s been 3 years since Dudley arrived. What a blessing he’s been.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  4. Oh my goodness - nearly omitted to wave hello to the new girl, Denise. Hi Denise- please make your way to the Treehouse for fun and games x

  5. What fabulous picks again Di, absolutely stunning creations, and congratulations to Greta. Happy gotcha day! Xxx

  6. Great floral picks this time (even the lion) which at first glance looks floral. Great that SaRn stepped in to assist with the commenting even if she organised a few goings on behind the bike sheds 😉. Sweet pic of Dudley on his gotcha day.

  7. Awww thanks for including my card in your faves Di - congrats to the other ladies too, Vinita's card is a stunner!
    And Happy Gotcha Day to Dudley - it was definitely his lucky day to come home to you and Len! I can't believe it's 3 years, where did the time go?!!!

  8. Thank u so much Sarn and Di to flaunt the Gold Star for my Autumn project! Happy feeling!

  9. Fab picks all so pretty and ones Kath would have loved too. So sweet to see Dudley as a puppy fast asleep.

  10. Fabulous picks Di and congratulations Greta on your win enjoy your prize ooh Dudley looks so cute he’s such a cutie and l agree Kath would of been so pleased enjoy your day xx

  11. Thank you for picking my card Di and congrats to Greta and the other chosen ladies. Oh, Dudley looks so tiny snuggled up in his bed, I can't believe it's 3 years, time just flies by. Have a good week x

  12. HAPPY GOTCHA DAY DUDLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. What wonderful and beautiful picks Di, they are all worthy winners. I hope you're on your both feet now and able? Dudley looks so adorable in this piccie.
    As for the flu jab, hubby was telephoned to attend at the surgery for his flu jab. He turned up to be asked why he was there! he told them and was told, no it's not you yet! What has happened to GP surgeries and the NHS? Getting worse and worse every day.
    Moan over.
    Keep well
    Faith x

  14. Hi Di, I'm not quite sure what happened to the main bit of my comment, but I wanted to say what a gorgeous gold star card from. Fabulous paper piecing by Lynne and Vicky and the wonderful colourful lion that looks like a flower at first glance from Lynne in NI, and of course Sarn with fabulous flowers ith the delicate paper piecing, and how great of her to take over the reins whilst you were not feeling the best, and welcome to Denise with her super Halloween card. Congratulations to Greta for winning this time too. Glad you have had your flu jabs but just hope that ours, which are booked for early October, will be better organised than yours appear to have been. x

  15. Congrats to all the picks - beautiful cards! That photo of Dudley is adorable - it's amazing how tiny puppies are when we first get them!

  16. Fab picks! Big congrats to all and to the winner! Loved seeing the young puppy Dudley sleeping, such sweet photo and memories! :)
    Hugs to you and lots of cuddles to him!

  17. Great picks and oh what a great picture of Dudley. [Bunny]

  18. I am so proud that my card appeared in this gallery of amazing creations! Congratulations to Vinita on her Gold Star and to all the other picks. Lovely to see so many paper-pieced cards in honour of Kath too. What a good pal Sarn is! So glad you had her help after your tumble. Congratulations to Greta on her prize win! I know she will be delighted to be able to play with some new halloween goodies! Thank you for organising the Ruby's Memory Challenge Di. It makes me so happy that USPCA are benefitting. Happy (belated!) gotcha day to your lovely Dudley. How lovely that you and he have brought so much joy into each other's lives! Hugs, Vicky xx

  19. Congrats to all the winners and happy Gotcha Day to Dudley xoxo

  20. Wow--such great picks! Love seeing how creative the playmates are! Hard to believe you've had Dudley for 3 years! Love the puppy picture & memory of his first night. Hope you're feeling much better now. Happy surprise to see Mr Random picked me--thank you Di & Heather for the fun prize!

  21. Congrats to Greta and all the other spotlighted card makers! What a precious pic of Dudley, how heartwarming that is :)

  22. Such gorgeous and unique picks Ladies! Vinita's gold star card is stunning in those luscious, vibrant colors. The beautiful paper piece flowers with the frame from Lynne is just beautiful as is the next flower card scene from Vicky-great way to use up those snippets for sure. That little lion flower is adorable! Ruby's Mum did a great job on it, I've never seen anything so cute. Well....besides Ruby, Dudley and my dog kids. lol Love the flower card that you had up your sleeve as well Di, all of these are beautiful tributes to Kath. Love that Denise Bryant decided to join the Snippets Playground, always good to see new faces. Awww, look at little Dudley, hard to believe it has been 3 years, but then I can't believe Savannah is 5, Kahlua 3 and Maverick 2 either. Time marches on and these cuties bring so much joy into our lives. I guess that is why time marches on so fast! Hugs, Brenda

  23. Thanks for the nice welcome! It was fun to join in and see all of the wonderful creations!

  24. Congratulations to the winner and top picks. All well deserved! Such a sweet memory of Dudley.

  25. Awww, what a sweet photo. He was such a tiny bit of fluff! :-D
    Great picks this fortnight and congrats to Greta.


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This is a public blog. Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog or entering a piece of artwork into a linky do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog and in so doing have published their own personal details and consented to my use of that personal information should they be selected as a winner or to accredit work.