Saturday 8 September 2012

A magical day in 'The Land of Enchantment'

I've really debated about writing this post as I hate to bang on about our holiday so much. Especially as it's looking unlikely I'll find time to write a roll call yet again this week.

If you get bored, or think it's just too much, then please feel free to run away until I'm back down to earth and crafting again. I wasn't feeling good enough to make and schedule a load of makes beforehand as most of you know - but, I have a special piccie for you:
Yup folks, I finally got to meet Kay,(left and me right)! And what a truly lovely lady she is, like all of you super bloggers - so easy to connect with and I think (hope) we hit it off right away and had a great time. Len took the photo as we sat down to lunch at a terrific restaurant  for lunch - and, please note, those are our WOYWW badges being proudly displayed Julia, if you hop in here.

Those are Prickly Pear 'thingy wotsit drinks' - delicious and very pink :)

I can't hang around girls, I need to hop over to reception and print those dang shopping coupons/vouchers for tomorrow as we're meeting Kay again to go exploring locally followed by craft shopping.

So - I'm still wondering how the Playground tree house is coming along. Sigh, I don't suppose any of you are any good at mixing up adobe walls mix - it would keep us warm in the Winter!



  1. Dun you worry about nuffin. The tree house is going well. By the time you get home it should be at ground level!! Hugs Mrs A.

  2. Bang On! Love to hear you are enjoying a well deserved holiday. You two look wonderful together.

  3. Brilliant photo Di, and don't worry about the roll call just enjoy your holiday, especially the craft shopping with Kay.

  4. I'm totally with Irene above!

    Oh, and the tree house is coming along nicely, and I'm now looking at chicken coop designs with Sam.

    Lovely pic of your "teacher training" course there!

    Sarn xxx

  5. Hi Di

    My you go on posh teacher training excursions!! LOL!!

    What a fabby post. Lovely to hear you are having fun and a much needed rest.

    Can't believe you are even contemplating doing a roll call!!!

    The treehouse is coming along nicely and one part we have completely covered in snippets .. .. very colourful!!!

    Have fun my friend.

    Love Jules xx

  6. Di, as many pictures and posts as you can manage please, love looking at you holiday pickiest. You both look happy and relaxed in each others company already. Have a fantastic time, shop til you drop and don't forget to show us some pictures of the stash. Hugs, Amanda x

  7. Ditto to everything everyone has said Di, don't you feel the need to apologise or excuse your holiday piccies and ramblings. It's lovely to see you having a good earned rest and enjoying yourself.

    Don't worry about the treehouse, we'll be warm as toast in there due to the duck and chicken feathers we gathered and stuffed into the wall cavity. Plus we'll be crammed in like sardines so will generate our own heat :)

    Happy shopping with Kay, take care xxx

  8. Can't believe you two are so alike!! you could be sisters - twins even!! Think it's every crafter dream to go to Michaels - have a great time & lots more piccies please x

  9. Oh how lovely to see you making a connection for real with one of our blogging friends....hope you gave her that hug from me :-)
    A x

  10. Looks like your having a brilliant time Di, and great that you have met up with Kay, she looks a lovely lady enjoy the rest of your holiday xx

  11. Aw what a lovely photo! It must be lovely to meet a blogland friend :)

  12. How lovely to meet up with Kay - lovely photo. Enjoy the rest of your jollies x

  13. What a fab pic of you two - you look as if there's going to be some antics ensuing!! Have fun exploring Michael's...remember, you have to leave SOME stock behind...LOL!!

  14. You two look like sisters Di! It is a brilliant picture - the drinks look .... er ... interesting.

    Hope you managed to use your coupons.

    Hugs Sue P xxx

  15. Course we want to know about your holiday, we are nosey so and so's, just forget to tell us about the crafty bargains or we will be sulking.

    Fabulous photo, you both look a pair of happy souls having a great time.

    Kath x

  16. Di, thanks so much for stopping by Guadalupe's Fun Rubber Stamps. I hope you all enjoyed your visit and had a great holiday. Happy Crafting!

  17. Hi Di, Had such a great time with you and Len. I'm worn out! Hugs, Kay

  18. Ooh Di! The Land of Enchantment! Love New Mexico, beautiful Santa Fe and you must get to Taos too! How lovely that you met Kay! Can't recall the name but close to Santa Fe is an old farmstead type of place that you can look around, they filmed scenes from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid there. Obviously after that your next stop will be Michigan??? Well, I mean, you're already in The States!!! Save you a separate trip you know!! Hardly dare venture into The Playground!


  19. Hi again...Di, If you email me
    and give me your email address, I have some JoAnne coupons I can email you for 40% off one item for in store shopping...It is good till the end of September.
    If you already have a coupon, just send your DH through another till to use the 2 on the same shopping trip...or...wait a few minutes and go thru the till again using a different cashier!!! Oh my...I am so sneaky! My bad!
    There is also a free shipping ocde for online type ordering...hahahaha Somehow I don't think it is for England!!!

    Hope you see this comment before you go shopping.
    I also have a Michael's email I can forward that contains this weeks coupons you can print off.

  20. Hi Di, How fabulous to meet up with Kay.. I love the photograph of you both together... Sounds fun... Hugs May x x x

  21. Hi there. Just taken 5 mins off the sawing and joining to set my laptop up on the Pink & Decker! What a wonderful time you look to be having over there on your "teacher training" trip! I hope you got the recipe for our prickly pears! Maybe you can show LLJ and I how to make them next month!!
    Right, where did I put the electric saw now! Gotta go. Work calling me!


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