Wednesday 21 March 2012

WOYWW - 146

Oh dear, my OH has just gone off to play Robin Hood archery so I thought I'd break off from what I was supposed to be doing and sneak up to do a WOYWW posting. He knows me too well, this was stuck to my craft room door!
Then, I wandered disconsolately back down to the dining room table and the three pairs of Len's trousers that I started altering about two weeks ago:
They're all turned up and tacked so it's just a matter of doing the machining. Shame on me though, it's so long since I used the sewing machine I had to get the instruction manual out to check how to thread it! My excuse is that I've only used it a couple of times since I got it not that long ago (OK, OK - over a year, happy now?).

But, it has set me thinking about 'advice to young ladies' - do check that your chap has a standard inside leg length if you plan on a long term relationship!!

Happy WOYWW - and do hop over to Julia's here to see what everyone else is up to today. I bet they're having more fun than me, although possibly nothing like the fun I had with Julia and Jan this time last week :)



  1. Hehehe. You should have popped them in the post Di. They would have been sent back within a day or two :-)
    I have been known to do 15 pairs of trousers in a day when I was working for Johnson's cleaners [and they only paid me £25 a day!!!!]....can you see whay I set up working for myself? :-)
    A x
    ps I've acheived my aim and managed to get both babies down for a nap so I'm managing a bit of blog hopping :-)

  2. Hello Di, a quick comment before going off to the torture chamber, aka the Dentist's. You clearly haven't learned the first lesson of being a wife, taught to me by my aunt, and that is to be totally useless, my aunt would have said 'handless' at doing alterations. The EM takes his to a local dressmaker, it's quicker :) Hope you are allowed into your craft room pdq. Happy WOYWW! Elizabeth x #73

  3. Ha ha love that note! I know all too well the trouble with non-standard legs, I'm only 4ft 9 and a bit so I need shorty legs! Thanks for sharing this WOYWW, let the snooping commence! Take care Zo xx 22

  4. Wednesday’s sure do come around quick! Trying again to make “All” the rounds. The note is too funny. I want to make sure not to mention this to my hubby.. he might get an idea LOL Have a great day!

  5. hahaha he is too funny, locking you out of your craft room like that, you tell him he is a spoilsport. Now get back to crafting
    Bridget #64

  6. Well you could always sew across the hems and then say "Oh dear, you'll have to take them to the dressmaker instead" LOL!!! Similar to men who say "Well I can't do the cleaning as well as you, so I'll leave it to you"!!!! Have fun when you eventually get in the craft room!!!!! Karen 112 x PS. Thanks for the lovely comments on the snippets card challenge!!

  7. You must be a very good girl Di....if my hubby left me a note like that his trousers wouldn't have been altered at all, unless you mean in the 'cut them into little pieces' sense!!!! Trish #69

  8. If the Pixies are banned, set the Sprites/Elves on him!

    I don't envy you . . . I flipping HATE sewing. I'm a Wundaweb kinda gal! xxx

  9. Poor Pixie not being allowed to play. I'm glad you did in the end, Di.
    I could've done with you on Monday. Hubby bought a new suit but the trousers were too long, he took them to his Mum to be turned up, I claimed my skills were not good enough to be let loose on "good" trousers but when they came back one leg was wrinkled. "Can you sort this out for me" he pleaded, they were needed for the next day. Yep, no problem, I whipped out the sticky hemming tape and the iron and bobs your uncle!!!! No sewing for me!!!
    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lisax

  10. I am with you on the tip - wish I had realised sooner. My H has a 26 inch inside leg so you can imagine what that is like to buy to fit!! Grrr!
    I believe there is something on my post today that you will die for!! LOL!! It is mine, all MINE!!

  11. Ha, you do make me chuckle!
    I've nominated you for The Versatile Blogger Award. Please visit my blog to receive it.
    Caz x

  12. That really made my day, what a funny note!! Happy WOYWW x
    Sophie no.88

  13. Ha! I can see your hubbie has the same great sense of humor that you have.

    Perhaps this is why I'm still single - I need to find a man with the perfect inseam! haa Well, if any of you know of a single man, let me know!

    tee hee

    Happy WOYWW
    Your New Mexico buddy

  14. Ha! I can see your hubbie has the same great sense of humor that you have.

    Perhaps this is why I'm still single - I need to find a man with the perfect inseam! haa Well, if any of you know of a single man, let me know!

    tee hee

    Happy WOYWW
    Your New Mexico buddy

  15. He He!! Love the sign he must have a great sense of humour... Have a fab week, Hugs May x x x x No9

  16. love it Di, so funny, guess i am alright as my hubby is always the long length but i do have to check the labels well before buying as he looks so funny in the regular. hehe hugs heidi x

  17. That did make me smile! How cheeky of him and yet how clever too! Lucky you to have met Jan and Julia too - maybe we should do a larger gathering one day? #77

  18. Robin is quite the comic. I so seldom do any sewing I ALWAYS need to get out the instruction booklet when I do.

  19. That note made me laugh!! He knows you very well, obviously :) Glad you succeeded with the machine - I love sewing fun things but absolutely HATE doing alterations - boo, hiss ;)
    Can't believe it's a week since we spent two hours laughing in Basingstoke!! Def have to do it again soonest!
    Hugs, LLJ #68 xx

  20. So that's what the inside leg measurement is then????? Hope you manage to get them all done and sorted. x Jo

  21. Oh Di that's one job l don't do and the husband takes his own trouser to be taken up by a tailor himself, a lucky escape for me and a professional job done for x

  22. Well, shame on you, you should never have let him know that you had a sewing machine.
    But, 2 years ago, come November, I bought myself a mini sewing machine from John Lewis and it is out of the box and hidden in a draw but has yet to be used. Bought it to use on cards and never got round to it.

    Kath x

  23. Loved the sign on your door :- ) hope you got the trousers done. I used to get the job of turning up trous for my dad, DH and sons. Hate doing that job. Happy WOYWW Anne x

  24. ROTFLMAO...oh that sign was just too funny!!! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  25. GREAT advice Di, absolutely top! ANd how well does Len know you!! How funny, and look at his artistic worj - you knew instantly he meant trousers! I may be late, but I needed the laugh. Spent yesterday being the partner I should be, helping mr D in the workshop. Aching this morning? Oh yeah!

  26. I had a good chuckle at the note on the door.
    I will bear in mind the advice on men...
    from desk 135

  27. Ha! Len knows you too well! As does mine, who either takes his own trousers up or takes them to a local place! Hope you finally made it back in the Pixie Room.

    Brenda 2

  28. I love your post this week, it gave me a real laugh and like some of the other WOYWWers advice too. Thanks for the snoop. Anne #66

  29. Anne is laughing at me, oh brother, I think I scared her good with my desk(s) . . .

    Nope, can't fault you at all for the threading thing, even if it has been a year. It takes me forever to remember how to thread different machines, I feel like they should all be the same!!!


  30. Funny/cheeky notice on the door. I also bought a sewing machine a year ago and have hardly used it. It sits next to my papercrafting desk on its own little desk, just looking at me. I must dust it down and try out some stuff that Kirstie Allsop was doing on her tv programme. Ali x # 173

  31. I'm still making my way 'round ... You are too funny and so is your hubby! Good luck getting the pants done quickly. I'm going to steal your sage advice and pass it on to young women I know!


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