Sunday 15 September 2024

Sunday Snippets - 'for you'

I wanted to make a few 'for you' cards to enclose with Playground prizes - this is one of them:

I used:

- 4.75" x 4.75" square pale ivory linen card blank, side opening

- the plain reverse of a whole sheet of paper from a K & Company pad of  'photo matting' papers (the papers are 4.75" x 6.75" for quick photo mounting) - probably the very first paper pad I ever bought many, many years ago - trimmed to 4.5" square 

- a whole sheet of patterned paper from the same paper pad, die cut to just over 4" square, using a die from a set of dies by The Works (now discontinued)

- I then glued the plain 'frame' and the patterned paper square onto the card front

- the reverse plain side of the paper left from die cutting the front toned well with the patterned paper so I die cut the sentiment words using a die called 'for you' by Alex Syberia and then used the 'shadow part of the die to cut the background for the words from snippets of vellum

- glued the parts together then glued the assembled sentiment panel onto the card front - finished!

I made three cards in the same design using different papers - and that was the end of the paper pad, after all this time!

I'd like to enter this card into Darnell's NBUS Challenge#66 - the Alex Syberia 'for you' sentiment die was having a first outing

Dudley Pupdate: Thursday was a fun day for Dudley as it was my Birthday and he absolutely loves to be involved in the opening of cards and presents. Each card was closely inspected then given his 'nose dab' of approval!

Earlier in the week he was certainly NOT so overjoyed as it was time for a grooming session and the application of 'nasties' repellent down his back. He ran and hid but Len hunted him out and the little monkey was insistent on bringing Honka Duck to the grooming table! No way was he letting go of his best pal:

It was nigh on impossible not to practically cry with laughter - he really is such a little pickle!

Very importantly, we have a new Challenge #489 being run by our lovely Sarn over HERE! Do please come and play - no doubt there will be cake in the tree house!

Love from myself and Dudley, xxx

Tuesday 10 September 2024

A Tuesday Tale - revived!!

10 or more years ago I wrote a series of 'Tuesday Tales' about my 'adventures' through a childhood and teens spent travelling the world like a gypsy. My Dad was in the Army so we 'followed the drum' and wherever he went, we did too. A few tales were from time spent in Malta as a little kiddo, then Singapore - absolutely the most wonderful place to live between the ages of 10 and 13. Old enough to remember everything and young enough to fling oneself into all the wonders of living in the Far East without any comrehension of the somewhat seedier side. 

And let's not forget my precious years at boarding school in Germany - the source of many tales! Things didn't stop once I 'grew up' and ventured into the big wide world needless to say, partly because I never really grew up!

I thought it might be fun to resurrrect some of the old Tuesday Tales and perhaps add some new ones into the mix as they come to mind. Today's tale is from March 2012, twelve and a half years ago, and here it is:

Although not a truly naughty kid, I did end up in pickles at school, mostly through either talking too much or giggling.

In the late afternoons, once lessons finished and we'd had tea, there was a gap before it was time for supper - which was then followed by prep. time. The school deemed that we had to choose at least a few extra-curricular activities to fill up most of those late afternoons - they sure kept us busy there! Sport was top of my list - especially during the warmer months as it got pretty cold on the North Sea coast of Germany. One Winter term I got terribly excited about some new indoor lessons though - in fencing!! Whoop, whoop - now, that was much more like it!

I signed up immediately! We spent what seemed like endless hours learning the moves plus the correct names and terms before even being allowed a sniff of a foil, but I just loved the pure elegance of the moves - a bit like 'ballet for fighters'.

After a while, the big day eventually arrived and we raced off to get all geared up. Now, in those days, fencing apparel was nothing like it is now - as I was soon to learn. My pal and I found a couple of jackets - hers was a good fit, mine was too large๐Ÿ˜Ÿ. Undaunted though, I carefully turned the cuffs back and then we were shown the 'additions'. WHAT? Tin saucer things, and you had to put them WHERE? In my haste I shoved the pair of saucers up inside the front of the jacket and scampered off to join in the fun.

We dutifully lined up and were finally given our foils to hold - after another safety lecture. On went the masks - ooer, beginning to look 'the business' here I thought. We lined up, raised our foils in salute and then it was lights, camera, ACTION!

Yeah, right! Remembering the previous lessons, back and up went the left arm, gracefully curved in one of the more balletic poses. Feet in position at 90 degrees, knees bent and foil arm outstretched - then 'Lunge' came the order. Left arm was sharply brought down to counterbalance the lunge - and then it all happened. The left hand tin saucer promptly popped up and partially out of the neck of the jacket, walloping underneath my chin. A squeak of pain and sharp intake of breath, meaning that said jacket was even looser for a moment, and the right hand tin saucer then decided to make a bid for freedom - choosing the bottom of the jacket as an exit point. With a clatter it hit the floor, rolled a few feet and then merrily and very noisily spun round for ages before finally grinding down to a halt. By this time the mask was off and yours truly was gawping in horror at what had just happened ................... before dissolving into embarrassed hysterical laughter.

This was absolutely not good etiquette and it was tersely explained that you didn't just 'shove the tin saucers up the jacket front and hope for the best', apparently there were pockets inside the jacket for them to be placed in - who knew? Unfortunately, the laughter merely subsided to uncontrollable giggles which just wouldn't stop so that was another exit for me - shame, as I truly was keen!

This incident was brought to mind when we were watching a James Bond film with some fencing in the other evening (edit - TOLD you it was over 12 years ago didn't I?) and later on, having already told my OH about the incident, he was in bed and heard me scuffling around on the landing in front of the full length mirror there.

Next thing I knew, he was looking out of the bedroom door demanding to know what on earth was going on. 'Err, just wondering if I could remember the correct fencing moves' I replied, followed by a quick demonstration of 'en garde, lunge and parry'. 'And anyhow, I bet Errol Flynn practised his fencing moves in front of a mirror' I added defensively.

With a sigh Len said 'I doubt if he'd have been wearing pink fluffy slippers, a Winnie the Pooh night shirt and hopping about brandishing a hair brush instead of a sword though!'. You know what, sometimes he is such a 'party pooper' ๐Ÿ˜Š

I know a good few of you who still look in will have previously seen and even commented on this 'tale' the first time round. First of all - thank you so much for sticking/putting up with me for this long - and secondly, are you as loopy as me then?!

Sunday 8 September 2024

Sunday Snippets - Streamlined Sprig

1Not too long ago I spotted one of my super-enablers (our much loved Darnell) using a die set that I fell in love with and HAD to have. Fortunately, despite being a USA Altenew product, it's stocked by a UK supplier. Here's my card and the leftover snippets:

I used:

- white card blank, trimmed to 5'5" x 4.25", tent style

- a piece of the same white cardstock - I use Craft UK card blanks ( just under 6" square) and cut them down to size for most of my card blanks then, when I want matching front panels, I use half a card (ie. the front or back) to play with .... and keep the other piece for the future of course

- die cut the white panel using a couple of dies from the Spellbinders 'Hemstitch Rectangles to form the edging pattern, I used the 'Venise Lace' set of dies as it looks a little Art Deco to me, then set it to one side

- next came the flower spray - I used a gorgeous set of Altenew dies called 'Streamlined Sprigs' to die cut the main stem and outlines from a snippet of Tonic 'Black Velvet' card stock

- next, used a couple of snippets of Lindy's Magical Shakers pieces, made way back in April, to die cut the flowers and the leaf

- glued the outline and the flowers and leaves together

- time to stamp the sentiment, using a VersaFine Clair 'Nocturne' inkpad and a sentiment stamps from Woodware's 'Deco Sayings' set - a real favourite of mine

- used the floral sprig to position the sentiment using a medium sized Misti then stamped the sentiment in the bottom left hand corner

- then added the Altenew floral sprig using glue pens

- added a slightly smaller piece of thin foam sheet behind the front panel

- glued the front panel to the card front - I used Collall All Purpose glue for this and the previous step

- finished! 

You may wonder what I do with so many unwanted 6" x 6" envelopes when I merrily chop down the UK Craft card blanks. I do chop them up to refill my 5.75" x 4" 'pad' of paper slips - and also give Len a wadge for his little 'notes to self' that we all seem to do. Mindlessly chopping is truly very therapeutic!

I'd like to enter this card into the following challenges:

- Darnell's NBUS challenge #66 - HERE - the Altenew 'Streamlined Sprig' die set had its first outing

- Allsorts Challenge 797# - HERE - under the 'Anything goes' option. The proper theme is Autumn Colours - nice one ladies!

Dudley Pupdate: We've had a fairly normal week here - whatever 'normal' is of course! It's rained, a LOT! So Dudley (the water hater supreme) has resisted venturing out, a LOT. We've gently 'toed him into the rain'. A bit when he was obviously crossing his legs and also when clenching his nether regions! Sometimes, I think a 'normal' dog who skips round in the rain and loves puddles would be great - but, not half as funny as Dudley 'Rain Avoidance Antics' I suspect! I also suspect that Dudley would hang on for the toilet when it's raining until his eyes pop out!

Remember, the results from Challenge #485 are now published in the Snippets Playground HERE. 

Do come and play with us in the Snippets Playground - the more, the merrier! Dudley is willing to hold one end of the skipping rope!

Love as always, Dudley and yours truly,

Sunday 1 September 2024

Sunday Snippets - Van Gogh's World washi tape

An advertisement popped up on either Facebook or Instagram, totally randomly, for washi tape. So, as you do, I bought the box that was advertised as it features one of my very favourite painters. I had myself some real fun making up a batch of washi tape panels, all were made using snippets of plain white and white/pale ivory linen card leftovers. The card is trimmed away so any white or cream background card would do really. Then I rustled up some cards a few days later, this is the main one:

I used:

- white DL card blank, tent style

- used a snippet of Tonic irridescent mirror 'Inca Gold' card to die cut the sentiment using the MFT Die Versions Corner Concepts 'Happy Birthday' die

- the panel I chose to use is from the IEBEE company, based in China, and it's the widest washi tape in the 'Van Gogh's World' set of 36 washi tapes at three inches wide - more about the tapes below **

- made sure of the sides were trimmed nice and straight and then glued the die cut Happy Birthday to the back of the top left corner using a meduim nibbed glue pen

- just needed to place the panel with the sentiment onto the card base to work out how much to trim from the right hand end

- trimmed the end and stuck the panel onto the card front using thin sticky pads and the usual glue stick trick

- finished card number one!

- on a roll, I made three more following the same principle (photos are below) - super quick to make and I love the results

** A little bit more about the washi tape itself. The box contained 36 rolls of washi tape for £18 - that's 50 pence per three metre reel of tape! The number of rolls does vary depending on the design (they have FAR too many to choose from, all of them gorgeous) as does the price of course, It did take little while to arrive here but the packaging is fabulous, a really sturdy display box. Some of the tapes are gilded to add to the glamour! For accents I did sometimes add Altenew's narrow gold washi tape at the edge(s) BTW. The Van Gogh washi tape came from IEBEE and this is the link to the store home page - I'm not affiliated in any way, just a very happy customer. They have a huge variety of journalling and card making goodies - I particularly like the 'Monet's Garden' washi tape set as well as the 'Butterfly Garden' and know that Liz would love their 'Sunny Blooms' washi tape, loads of gorgeous sunflowers there! The tape is a joy to use and sticks really well. Mind you, I'll have to live until a very ripe old age to stand any chance of using even one box of it it up! But, at 50p per roll - who can complain, not me for sure. BTW, postage is free over £40 - I did pay £3.99 postage but, considering what I actually got, it was still money very well spent.

Here are the other cards I've made so far, all using the same basic design but more than one strip of washi and edged using Altenew's narrow gold washi tape:

My leftover gold snippets from the sentiments - man, I am SO mean with mirror card and keep the tiniest scrap! 
I'd like to enter my main card into the following challenges:

- Darnell's NBUS challenge #67 HERE - the Van Gogh washi tape is NBUS needless to say!

- Allsorts Week #796 HERE - the card has a sentiment and also is 'anything goes' if my sentiment isn't enough

Dudley Pupdate: I haven't had a chance to video Dudley spinning for his bedtime treat - sorry. Right now he's absolutely full of beans the minute we stir in the morning - leaping all over us when it's time to get up and play! I sometimes wonder if he gets lonely and is sitting beside the bed literally willing us to wake up! He usually goes out into the garden for a quick wee, then does several celebratory zoomies ............... before coming back indoors to see what there might be for breakfast! I swear, he's ruled by his tummy!!

Remember, I've just kicked off a new challenge over in the Snippets Playground HERE

Hope to see you on the swings - my mojo went off for a fairly prolonged walkabout recently but seems to be back and firing on all cylinders at the moment - hooray!

Love as always, Dudley Dog and me