Wednesday 15 April 2015

The tent - Part 2

This is Lord Baden-Powell, 'dans le jardin' earlier, playing with 'pop up' tent and trying to work out how to take the thing back down. Seconds to flip it open - and an hour plus to fold it back down, snigger :) I made sure he could do it single handed as I won't always be at archery to help.

Sadly I got chased away once BP realised I was taking photos - spoilsport! But I did hear him sigh 'Wonder if I should've ordered a smaller one?' at one stage in the wrestling match. Snort!
Sorry for the teaser post earlier - I must have hit publish and was then called away for roll call :) And now it's time for 'taps' - 'dib, dib, dib' :)

The 'beast' is actually back in its bag but am convinced it's straining to break free! Beginning to hate that thing :(



  1. Lol Di - love the tent saga! Reminds me of my hubby trying to get the fountain working in our pond at our old house - stomping about in his wellies and getting cross, and then I turned the water on and soaked him lol lol!!! Me indoors laughing like a drain and him taking himself waaaaay too seriously hahaha!!!

    Thanks for a lovely comment - it's very, very good to be home but I'm still really weak and needing to rest a lot. Lucy did sterling work keeping everybody up to date with Shoshi news! Had my histology result on Monday and it turns out the cancer was very aggressive and had spread to one lymph node (all removed in the surgery) so I have to have chemo... Oncology appt. early May. Not the result I was hoping for but a small price for staying alive!


  2. Secretly having a little sniffer at your post Di... You describe the scenario so well! Just hope BP doesn't read the blog! Good luckxx

  3. Love the reference to L.B.P. and I do feel so sorry for him, bless.
    Lets just hope as there will be no Pixie there to help him take it down, he has some Imps and Elves, not to mention the Bluetits, all Girl guide stuff for those who think I have gone bonkers.
    Day's done, gone the sun,
    tent is packed
    Oh what fun.
    We've all enjoyed
    the event
    and maybe Len;s right,
    He should have got a smaller tent?

    Kath x

  4. This tent story just keeps getting funnier each time you post about it :) Let's hope those gremlins don't find the release valve some night while you're both tucked away and sound asleep! LOL

  5. Ha ha ha - got a good laugh out of this one!

  6. LOL! Glad you managed to get a photo! xx

  7. Hee hee hee - this is hilarious :-D I feel sorry for him though coz I had a mobile baby play pen thing long ago that sproinged up like this and it was a nightmare to get back down AND it was nowhere near the size of what LBP is dealing with !!!!! Good luck I say xoxoxox

  8. Perhaps the company will exchange it for a smaller tent if he asks nicely . . . dib dib dib xxx

  9. Oh my Di, your post is just hilarious. Loved reading it, made my really LOL
    Veerle x

  10. You are naughty taking sneaky photos!! The tent certainly sounds like fun LOL!!

  11. This made me giggle! Thanks for sharing the saga and the sneaky pix :) xxx

  12. Ah the joys of
    camping/staying dry/no reason other than he wanted a tent.....
    until the wind catches it and it blows away with Len in it...

  13. OMGosh, you have me falling over in fits of laughter Di! I love, love that you were able to get this one picture before being chased off. lol I love it! Why is it they are so hard to fold back down? I know even the little floating rafts are the same way, there is no way I could ever get them to fold down right, not even the baby ones. So I know I would be just like Len, struggling to get that puppy back in it's pack! I can just bet it is struggling to pop out of there too. lol Sorry to be laughing and I'm not laughing at Len, I am laughing because I feel his pain! Hugs Brenda

  14. Ooh you are naughty!! Poor chap!! xx

  15. Ohhh, tents are horrible to get back in there tiny packs, Di, you always end up with half of it outside, hilarious story by the way, we've all been there :)

    The tent looks very nice, a very good choice.

    Love and hugs

  16. Much like cats, once let out of the bag tents never go back in the same. Have you ever thought of trying "glamping" instead?

  17. I am enjoying the tent story. My little pop-up laundry basket is bad enough. that has a life of its own and it took me weeks to master folding it flat again, though I am pleased to say I have the knack of doing it now. I expect Len will master the beast in time as well. Kate x

  18. Hilarious! Glad you got a picture for us. I think this tent will come in really handy though! Sounds like a great solution for the archery days.

  19. Ok so when are the tents arriving for the play ground huh!! Bags I the first one.
    Hugs Mrs A.

  20. You tent posts have made me smile.


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