Wednesday 1 June 2011

WOYWW 104 - at last!

Hi ladies! Well, my PiF is all made, almost packed and ready for the unlucky person who links in directly after me :) Made with angst, under pressure from a lot else going on here, but also friendship for whoever it goes to. Nothing to see right now though - but it's sitting here on my desk wondering what its destination will be :)

I've also been  up to my eyes in other things lately such as this:

Innocent enough little thing isn't it?

Those who know me will know that this coming weekend is my old boarding school reunion in Nottingham, although the school itself was in Germany. And those who know me even better will know I have a big mouth when it comes to offering - and can put my big foot in it - and end up wondering just what I've taken on! At the last committee meeting we were musing about table favours for the Saturday dinner dance and I'd got some samples sent by a company who do some very nice decorated choccies. They were fine but a bit insignificant in size and not cheap. BUT, I also took along an idea I had (the basics of which I'd purloined from a couple of other websites) and it was voted a winner. So, 1,000 dark blue scallops punched, 1,200 printed rounds also punched (bearing a mix of the old school badge, details of contents and  place and date of reunion), 200 pretzel bags, 200 labels, 30 metres of narrow dark blue ribbon..... then all the rounds stuck onto the scallops, the whole lot assembled into pretzel bags and tied up with labels - ending up with 200 bags with 2 decorated Elizabeth Shaw Mint choccies in each as table favours. (The mints came in catering sized boxes and are a massive saving if anyone else ever thinks about doing the same sort of thing.) It took me weeks of 'nibbling the elephant a bit at a time' but here's the result, ready to pack into an overnight holdall, pop into the car boot and to go with me when I drive up to Nottingham. I think the forecast is for a warm weekend so I'd better drive fast from Hampshire!! Vroom, vroom!

Yup, that's the little blighters, all 200 of them! But, it's done and now it's all systems go to get sorted out for the weekend ahead!! We've been known to sit chatting until the sun literally comes up the following morning, and three nights of that needs a LOT of rest beforehand...not to mention coming home shattered, ready to sleep for a week and having no voice!!

To check out what everyone else is up to on WOYWW do pop over to Julia's here...but I bet they're all being secretive about what they've doing if they're joining in the PiF fun :) Have a wonderful WOYWW 2nd Anniversary day!



  1. have a great time at your reunion. what a marathon you had with that lot!

  2. Happy WOYWW 2nd Birthday. It's so lovely to be linked up with so many creative friends. Have a fab reunion.
    Happy crafting.
    A x

  3. Oh you have been very busy! What a load to take on yourself! I am the LUCKY one bellow you so I will send my address to your email!
    Happy WOYWW anniversary!

  4. AMAZING - WHAT A JOB!!!! WHAT A WOMAN!!! Really well done - I hope it all goes well and you deserve a medal...and no you mustn't make it!
    Happy WOYWW...Thanks for sharing and have a great week,
    Sarah at 12

  5. they look good, see you fri (and all your hard work)

  6. Now that is a labour of love ...they are brilliant ...hope they are appreciated.

  7. Flippin' 'eck Di . . . I just couldn't contemplate doing all that! You are AMAZING! Hope they all appreciate your hard work!

    Have fun at your reunion and enjoy a few sunrises!!!!

    Hugs, Sandra

  8. I would have ended up doing the same no doubt! They lok great! Hope your reunion goes well sounds like a really good weekend you 'll have!
    Happy WOYWW
    Rebecca xxxxx

  9. Happy 2nd WOYWW anniversary!
    Hugs Marleen :-)

  10. What a fab thing to do - you are a treasure. Happy 2nd anniversary!

  11. Funny how the word Yes gets us into so much trouble lol - hope you have a great weekend with your friends - Happy WOYWW Anniversary

  12. WOW thats a whole lotta work !!
    Well done, hope you have a wonderful time. Keep smiling and creating

  13. What an undertaking that was! Well done for getting finished in time:)
    I think you may be the recipient of my PIF, but I'm slightly confused as a lot of people are appearing twice!

  14. I’m making a special effort to get around everyone as it’s a special week this week.

    Oh wow Di, that was a lot of work, but so worthwhile because you wouldn’t have been able to get anything so personal from the shops.
    Hope your reunion goes well.

    Happy WOYWW 2nd Anniversary and …………….
    Happy Crafting!

  15. Wow... that's a lot of work! And a lot of choccie :)
    Hope your reunion is brilliant! Also hope the drive to Nottingham goes well... that I DON'T envy you :)
    From Sheleen... another 'ampshire 'og (as we used to call all us Hampshire residents *lol*)

  16. Holy Cow Di! Amazing! That really was a major undertaking and all the while helping me without saying a word! You are the sweetest friend. I do hope you will have a safe trip and wonderful fun filled reunion.
    Big Hugs

  17. Have a great reunion... never been to one myself... lucky recipient of your gifts...

  18. You lot made me flipping cry!! Thank ou all so verymuch for your lovely comments....sniff, sniff :( Love you all lots and will be back soon! Di xx

  19. blimey 200?? I would never manage that LOL

    Happy 104th WOYWW - its great to see your workspace and 'meet' you through blogland

    Happy Creating xx

  20. Ah Di, the thing is, if you didn't get involved, things wouldn't be done your way and so nicely, huh!! Great job gal, really a labour of love..they better appreciate it!

  21. Very nice treats! Have fun at the reunion! Happy #104-2nd Anniversary of WOYWW Thanks for sharing. Vickie #55

  22. wow, great job on your table favours. they turned out really well! have a great time! and happy WOYWW anniversary!

  23. Where'd u get the catering packs of mints from?!

  24. Hi jodpea - they came from Shorters Club - just Google it and they will pop up! Di x

  25. whatever happens I will appreciate Dis hard work mind you I am one of the people who will be getting one.

  26. Gracious me - how many????!!

    wishing you a fab reunion.

    Happy WOYWW 2nd anniversary xxx

  27. See you tomorrow Moira, whoop, whoop!!! Normal service will be resumed here after the reunion when I get home on Monday..........and after I recover :) Di x

  28. love the choccies - did a load for Christmas but not that many and could spread it out over a couple of weeks.
    Happy WOYWW-versary
    x Tricia

  29. Hi Di, I'm off on my holidays tomorrow but didn't want to go without dropping by and wishing you a great week ahead. I'll see your PIF when I get back. Elizabeth x #81

  30. What busy fun. Hope it a fantastic gathering. Enjoy and take lots of pictures.

  31. Wow! That is a lot of work you have done there! Enjoy your reunion!
    Happy WOYWW 2nd Anniversary!

  32. What a marathon of creativity.
    Happy WOYWW

    Carol C

  33. Oh my goodness what a lot of chocs you have there! I can also get myself into things like that, so I feel your pain.
    Happy WOYWW Anniverary.
    I have been trying to leave a comment for days, but mr. Blogger is being very rude!

  34. Oh wow they look fantastic, especially all of them in the bucket. I'm late commenting as keep having problems with blogger doh!!! Happy 2nd woyww. Kezzy x

  35. Hey Di! Which school? My other half is interested to know because he went to a co-ed boarding school in Germany. Guess there were a few, but you never know!

  36. Belated happy 104! 200 is a lot of anything, well done you :D. Looking forward to seeing your PiF. #8


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