Saturday 11 November 2023

Lest we Forget

I always have my own Father very much on my mind every single Remembrance Day. He joined the British Army aged 15 and spent World War Two over in Europe, helping to recover and repair British Army tanks. He didn't speak about the War much but it had left its mark and he, along with all of our Service men and women, will always have my undying admiration and gratitude.

We can but hope that it wasn't in vain and that, one day, peace will return to the various countries now embroiled in conflict.


  1. A beautiful card Di. Totally agree xxx

  2. Oh peace seems so elusive - and so many have given their lives in pursuit of it... I do wish that war was non-existent.
    A beautiful card Di - one that could be used for quite a few occasions

  3. Beautiful card in tribute to all those involved.

    Totally agree with your final para. We live in hope. Xxx

  4. This is a beautiful made, Di! Every year when we went to London in november we bought poppies to wear on our coat. It's a nice tradition that we don't know in our country.
    Lia xx

  5. A beautiful poppy image in Remembrance and in Hope for Peace.

  6. A beautiful card Di, and I heartily agree with the sentiments. x

  7. A beautiful sweet tribute to your Dad and to all those who have lived the war on their own skin, Di. Sadly it seems that humanity is not able to live peacefully. But we all keep hoping.

  8. A gorgeous card on this Remembrance day Di. I always think of my Uncle who served in Burma and was a POW with the Japanese, such awful times need to be remembered. A beautiful tribute to all those men and women, including your Dad.

  9. At age 15! It doesn't bear thinking of does it. I love your beautiful card made to honour your dad and all those who gave their lives so that we may have peace. Such a sadness to see the conflicts around the world. Some wise soul said that it isn't ordinary folk that make the wars. Hugs, Vicky xx


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