Before I move onto the Snippets Playground results, please can I draw your attention to a lovely tribute challenge, currently under way over at the Allsorts Challenge Blog, for Kath - a much loved friend, crafter and snippets playmate who very sadly left us a few weeks ago. It runs for this week only so you have to get your skates on.
Kath chose the theme of 'Favourite stamps' for this challenge, months ago as part of her Allsorts Design Team work. Brenda and the girls on the DT have added the option to include Kath's love of paper piecing and flowers. There are some lovely prizes to be won but, putting that aside, it would be wonderful if as many of us as possible can make a card and join in, as a way of saying thank you for the memories of a sadly missed, talented and very lovely lady.
Now for the picks from our previous challenge. Many thanks to
Bonnie for being our Guest Designer using the adorable Egyptian Feline set of stamps - both Bonnie and her husband have been unwell and she was very apologetic about not being able to hop around and comment on all your entries.
As we know only too well from my own recent acrobatics act, sometimes we just physically can't do what we hoped we could do in terms of blogging - and that's absolutely fine! I want to send a huge, huge thank you to SaRn for stepping in and helping me out with the Playground whilst I'm recovering. Even if she did, from what I've seen, also take the opportunity to host a gathering in the playground tree house ........... in full knowledge that I wouldn't be able to clamber up the ladder and break up the party. Dudley is taking climbing lessons now!
First of all, we have a *Gold Star* pick:

I think this is just amazing and such wonderful use of snippets -
made by Maxine. All that perfect faux stitching was done by hand and must have taken ages. At first i did think Maxine used a special die set! Well done Maxine and do feel free to collect a *Gold Star* badge from the RH sidebar of my blog for your own blog.
I always love to see clever ways to use up snippet strips and
Emma's entry immediately caught my eye. It's clever, boldly colourful - and yet still so elegant. I can totally picture this as a Christmas card design as well.
And another entry using strips of paper in herringbone style -
made by Jackie T. Everything works together so perfectly - all topped off with the co-ordinating robin 'topper'. Such a perfect Christmas card.
This brilliant card, made by Karen Ladd, really jumped out at me, metaphorically speaking anyway.☺ The vibrant colours are so happy, great use of snippets - and how Karen created the background is brilliant, the sandy torn edged ground and then turning the blue shallows into deep water - very cleverly done.
And let's go for a final pick - making one gold star pick and four others, you were on a roll this week girls!
Liz brought this card to share with us - and what a great layout for using up snippets! I love this card just as it is but can also imagine the same layout for a multitude of other occasions using loads of different colour schemes. Great stuff Liz.
our picks from Challenge #410 in the
Playground, we had 33 entries in total and no new Playmates. Now
for the prize draw which is
a Clearly Besotted 'Egyptian Feline' set of stamps from me. And the winner is:

Congratulations Valerija! I'm sure it's a long time since you last won a prize - and I was delighted to read in your comment about the stamp set having special significance.
send me your address, even if you know that I know it already, with your full name at the top as well
it can be can be copied and pasted for speed and ease. It's also confirmation that you still
would like the prize of course. Please put Playground Winner or
similar in the subject line of
your email in case it drops into my junk mail. Email address is on RH
sidebar as always.
Remember folks, there's still almost one more week to run on the current Ruby's Memory Challenge #411 which you can find HERE.
The prize is a bit of a bumper selection of Halloween goodies, jointly from Heather Mills and myself.
Len posted off the prizes from Challenge #409 for me the other day. Apologies for the hastily written shop bought notelets I included with each one but I've done little or no crafting for almost two weeks.
Today is my Birthday - whoop whoop! At the time of writing I have loads of cards and a couple of very intriguing parcels which have arrived over recent days, all as yet unopened of course. Just the pick-me-up (no pun intended) that I need too.
Am still recovering from the fall - bruised knees and some of my toes turned a fetching shade of black and purple, purely due to all the scrabbling around I did whilst frantically trying to get back up. But each day brings an improvement and the bruising is fading nicely. We also have the Elk 'rising cushion/seat' now and that's a huge comfort to know - although I don't plan to ever need it of course! Call it insurance. We need to 'test drive' it - Len can be the guinea pig needless to say.
The rising cushion reminds me of the 'olden days' when in theatres and cinemas a full sized organ would rise from the depths of the stage with someone already sitting there merrily banging out 'cheery tunes' before the main event began. We knew things were changing when the organs were no longer but the same mechanism was used to raise a stall selling snacks during the intervals! Just a very distant memory from my early childhood you understand. ☺
from Parsnip, myself and the usual happy
'high-five' and woof from Dudley.