Sunday 20 October 2024

Sunday Snippets - Penny Black 'JOY'

Bit of an odd week, Len's Birthday was on Tuesday - we had a quiet day, but to celebrate the dishwasher decided to give up the ghost and ping its buttons across the kitchen! Finally - after almost two years of Len and his Heath Robinson fixes, it was beyond redemption - hooray!

For those of you in the UK, we use AO Appliances online store and true to form they arrived on time on Thursday, disconnected the old and connected and tested the new machine. Then tootled off, taking the old one for recycling and all the packaging. So quick and easy - I like it when things actually go to plan as it's a rare thing here and always has been. 

I used: 

- 5.5" x 4.25" cream linen blank - tent style

- a teensie bit smaller snippet of Tonic pearlised 'Majestic Gold' card  to form a narrow 'frame' for the hammered cream layer

5.25" x 4" snippet of  cream hammered card

- glued the hammered card onto the gold 'frame' and set it and the card blank to one side

- using Tonic snippets of satin mirror card 'Scarlet Organza' I then die cut two of the word 'JOY', using a NBUS Penny Black die called 'immense joy'

- glued both layers of the die cut 'JOY' together for dimension

- die cut the 'O' from a card mounted Penny Black Stickeroo from the 'Berry Delight' sheet - this was quite tricky with little room to play but I managed, with hiccups along the way! 

- added the word 'JOY' and the centre of the 'O' to the cream hammered card panel using a glue pen

- adhered the finished panel to the card front, using narrow foam strips for a bit of 'lift' - and it still can be posted at UK's Standard rate - finished!

I can see fun times ahead using this very big die - it's just right for using Penny Black's 'Masterpieces' ready printed images - and the world is your prawn oyster for going to town with die cut foliage etc. And, not forgetting the many delightful PB Christmas stamps lurking here.

I'd like to enter this card into Darnell's NBUS Challenge #67 HERE as the Penny Black 'JOY' die was having a first outing.

And, I's like to enter it into the current Allsorts Challenge #803, under the 'Anything Goes' rule. The theme for this week is 'Patterned papers' and as I have a ton of those, despite having culled a lot - I might even try to play a second time! Perhaps, maybe. Why don't you have a go though?

Dudley Pupdate: As happens over time, Dudley has 'loved' his Honka Duck to the point that before long the stuffing will appear so we've duly placed the brand new replacement next to the old Honka whenever possible over the last couple of days - and will do so until the day comes when the swop will be made. Much like the Stinky Monkey toys in his puppy days, it has to be done for Dudley's health and safety. However, the traumatic first few days are tough until he stops searching the house and accepts that 'old' Honka has gone to the big duck pond in the sky ........... so he might as well knuckle down with his replacement. Sigh. 😟

Very importantly, the results of Challenge #490 are now published HERE

Do please come and play in Sarn's current challenge over in the Snippets Playground! Just scroll down from my results post - over in the Playground.

Love from myself and Dudley, xxx


  1. What a smashing card Di. Love that big word die with its fab stickeroo in the middle of the ‘O’.

    Hope the Honka transfer goes well. 😚

  2. As Sarn rightly said, it's 'smashing', I could be tempted to go hunt that die down as you've showcased it beautifully with the focal seasonal image.

    We've used AO and yes very reliable, although when the kitchen was re-fitted had all the ovens from Marks on line and they too very very reliable.

    Have a good week, just thinking clocks must go back next weekend, dark, dark nights!

    B x

  3. Me again, forgot to say thanks for sharing this real beauty at Allsorts. Ordered from Kim (Buddly), resisted toppers as thought I can indulge in some inky stamping to fill the 'O'.

    B x

  4. Lovely card Di, looks like a very useful die, and what a good idea to place a stickeroo in the O, so many possibilities. That’s nice to know, as I’ve never used AO. Our house is the same, nothing is ever easy. We have a blocked bathroom pipe, taken a week and still not sorted. Luckily we have a second bathroom, so I’m not honking like Dudley’s duck 😂.
    I’m off to the Playground with my conkers, thanks for the tip 😉xxx

  5. What a fabulous large die and such a good idea to fill the 'O' with a trimmed Stickeroo - lots of other possibilities also come to mind. Good that the swap over of your dishwasher went well - just hope Dudley soon settles down with his replacement Honka duck just as easily, bless 😊

  6. Wonderful card Di, what a fabulous JOY die.
    Liz xx

  7. A lovely card Di and another die to add to my growing 'wish list'!
    Kath x

  8. I love how beautifully that snippet of dsp looks inside of the JOY die to make a perfect Christmas card! Gorgeous! Good luck with that dishwasher too!


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