
Tuesday 21 August 2012

A Tuesday Tale - crash, take that!

My parents were generally quite placid people, especially my Mum - it was Dad who had more of the sense of adventure whilst Mum was the home maker, and he sometimes verged into being a bit of a likeable rogue. BUT, my Mum did have her limits, and this is one example.

We were living in Malta and I was probably just a toddler when this happened - but the tale was related more than once over the years, generally if Dad was pushing his luck a bit :) Despite the heat, Mum was a traditionalist and always cooked a Sunday roast - Dad was also a traditionalist and liked to nip down to the Mess for a pre-lunch pint with his buddies. One particular Sunday (I suspect I was grizzling or going through the 'Terrible Twos' phase) Mum objected to being left to cook lunch and cope with me at the same time whilst Dad quaffed a pint or two then sauntered back home to lunch followed by a nice snooze. He dug his heels in and Mum did too - soon they were in the throes of a heated argument as Mum was beginning to get pots and pans ready for a roast beef lunch.

Suddenly, and without any warning, I think a sort of 'red rag to a bull madness' came over Mum and she lost the plot totally. She happened to be holding a large empty roasting tin at the time:
Said roasting tin was raised in the air and brought down with a HUGE wallop on the top of Dad's head! He saw stars *********  but still went out for his pre-lunch drink - nursing an already throbbing head.

I suspect he didn't enjoy his pint or two or the huge lump that had now appeared on the top of his head but it was now a matter of pride. He returned home to find my Mum sobbing her heart out in the kitchen. Thinking that he'd been rather a 'cad', remorse overcame Dad and he hugged her and apologised. Mum's reaction though wasn't quite what he expected - the tears got worse - then she opened the oven door and cried 'Look what you did to the joint of beef!!'.

Sitting there jauntily, in the roasting pan on top of a large bowl shaped hump in the centre was the Sunday joint - merrily overcooking and enjoying the 'mountain experience'.

That really must have been one BIG wallop to dent an old fashioned roasting tin :)



  1. OMG! We have got to be related!! My grandmother and grandfather used to argue like that. One day I woke up to my grandmother yelling and it sounded like she was possessed. I ran to the kitchen and she was standing over my grandfather with a cast iron skillet that had sizzling bacon cooking in it. My grandmother was a saint but this morning her halo slipped a bit when he made a comment that sent her over the edge. Grannie told him if he opened his mouth one more time she was going to hit him over the head with it. OMG! He was smart and kept it shut! Stories like that keep family conversations lively!. Thanks for sharing. vickie

  2. Brilliant Di. I'm sat here with tears running down my face now. Good to hear your Dad left his impression....if only in the roasting dish :-)
    A x

  3. 'Memories are made of this'. Di, you could write a book of your anecdotes. You's keep the whole world laughing.
    Kate x

  4. Glad your mum had her priorities right!!! Great Tuesday Tale!

  5. So was the joint over cooked on the top bit then? Thanks for the chuckle. Hugs Mrs a.

  6. Oh your Tuesdays tale are well worth the belly ache afterwords so funny and to think of that roasting tin it must of been some bang on the head for your poor dad too when l'm using mine l'll be thinking of that day .....great stories keep them coming!! lol xx

  7. OMGoodness! I have peeps wondering why I am laughing! I think you and I may have the same Mum and sometimes I even take after her! When we meet remind me to tell you the tale of Uncle Harry's funeral! Hee Hee! At least you didn't starve!

  8. Oh Di - I was really down last week and have just got back to my blogging. You have made me laugh so much today that I am now thanking the inventor of the Tenalady thingies! Please keep on with your stories - I am guffawing as I type!!!

    Big hugs to you

    Sue P xxx

  9. LOL, thanks for the enjoyable memory, Di! My goodness, your Dad had one thick skull!! (As most men do!)

  10. Brilliant tale, great to get a good chuckle first thing in the morning.

    Kath x

  11. Love your story.... never to be forgotten and part of family history.
    When I was about 6 years old I was immersed in colouring a book and didn't realised that my Dad had told me 3 times to go to bed. He flipped and threw my crayons on the back of the fire before dancing me up the stairs with a smack on my bottom for every step...... I was so upset about the crayons and he embarassingly told the tale all through his life... over and over at every opportunity!
    Love JoZarty x

  12. Goodness! My uncle and aunt argued like that too. On one, never forgotten, my aunt threw a plate of mince and tatties at my uncle, he ducked and it hit the wall just above the mantelpiece - it couldn't be forgotten because, despite many changes of wallpaper on that wall, a large plate-shaped greasy marked kept seeping through :) Elizabeth xx

  13. So enjoyed reading this memory. You told it so well I could just picture the whole scene. It's so heartwarming to hear personal family stories (and we all have 'em), and even though there were sometimes upsets, you knew they still loved each other...You should put these in a book (album?). TFS your memory with us.


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