
Wednesday 26 October 2016

Tricks with the Misti #2 - 'Multiple Layer stamping'

I'm sure I have 'wonky' eyes! Even using clear polymer stamps I struggle horrendously when trying to get decent images using the so popular 'multiple stamp' images such as SU flower sets.

My search last week turned up some neat little tricks and this is the card I made first of all:
I used:

- 4.25" x 5.5" white card blank, tent style

- backing layer of SU 'Always Artichoke' card stock, die cut using a Lil' Inkers 'Stitched Rectangles' die and glued onto the card front

- piece of white card stock, stamped using the SU 'Lotus Blossom' stamps set with the Misti - there's a mini tutorial below if you're interested. I used all SU inks, 'Daffodil Delight', 'Pumpkin Pie' and 'Tangerine Tango for the graduated colours on the flower head and 'Old Olive' for the stalk

- added the word 'Friend' using the Misti, Memento 'Tuxedo Black' ink and a stamp from the Inkylicious 'Friend' set of sentiments

- die cut the image panel using a smaller Lil' Inkers 'Stitched Rectangles' die and glued it in place

Wow, I love using the Misti for this type of stamping! You can actually use just the Misti for this technique with clear stamps by carefully lining up the stamps onto the image, to be picked up by the lid as you build it up - and of course you can make several cards exactly the same at the same time, step by step.

As I don't trust my alignment capabilities I used the method which is absolutely perfect for solid rubber stamps whereby you use either acetate or something like the plastic sheet from the Stamp-a-ma-jig along with the Misti.

SU originally used to make their layered stamps from red rubber and boy did I struggle. Can't wait to dig a couple of old rubber layered sets out and have a play now!

There's at least one really good tutorial to be found online but I found it whilst browsing on my Notepad and didn't think to bookmark it. Have had another search using the laptop but can't find it so I hope my few steps/photos/words below are a help! Ha, they could of course totally confuse you! :) But remember that although I used polymer stamps and the plastic sheet - you should be able to do multi layer stamping with clear stamps just by placing the stamps onto the previously stamped images and then picking them up with the lid. So maybe you should imagine that my stamps are solid rubber ones :)
Step 1: First of all I used some masking tape to stick the SU plastic sheet from the Stamp-a-ma-jig to the top edge of the Misti with the lid open, butted right up against the top and side edges.  

Step 2: Then I placed the main 'body' stamp onto the plastic sheet face down and closed the Misti lid onto it so that the lid picked it up. Inked the stamp and stamped the image onto the plastic sheet. 

Step 3: Popped a piece of white card in place underneath the plastic to check where I wanted the flower to be positioned - similar to using a normal stamp positioner. Flipped the piece of plastic back out of the way whilst holding the piece of white card in place with magnets

Step 4: Next I re-inked the stamp using the palest colour and brought it down onto the piece of white card to lay down the main part of the flower. The picture above shows the plastic flipped over the image ready for the next step

Step 5: Then replaced the main flower stamp on the plastic sheet with the middle layer stamp (it doesn't matter if you're not exactly in the same spot). Picked the stamp up with the lid as in Step 2, inked it with the middle colour and stamped it onto the plastic sheet. As the plastic sheet was held in place with masking tape as a hinge I could just move the flower image on the white card around underneath the plastic to find the right stamping position and hold it in place with a couple of magnets. Then re-inked the stamp, lifted the plastic sheet out of the way and stamped onto the white card again.

That's actually all three stamped layers shown in the above photo, and I just added the stalk in much the same way

I really wish I could find that video again! It certainly is a much simpler process than the above photos and words imply!


  1. Don't under estimate yourself Di. Your pic us and instructions are perfectly clear and understandable. I love the colours you have chosen for your flower and the way you have used the sentiment along the stalk.
    Hugs Mrs A.

  2. What a brilliant idea Di, that was a good find. I use my Misti when using the altenew stamps, which are my favourite. I am not too bad at getting them lined up that way, but sometimes they are a little "off". This way would make them perfect. I am going to fix a sheet to my Misti this morning so I don't forget to do it this way next time I stamp.

  3. A fabulous card Di and a great tutorial too.
    Kath x

  4. Great tutorial. Don't you just hate it when you can't find something you've previously seen on YouTube or Pinterest!!

  5. I LOVE the card you made with the aid of the MISTI. Great results and a brilliant tutorial.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  6. A pretty creation as always Di, apols for the tardy blogging on my part but slow going at this end.

    B x

  7. Your card is lovely Di and I really like the colours you've used. I have those stamps too and only used them once so will pop back later to study your great tutorial. Barbxx

  8. Gorgeous colours on this stunning stamp set, thanks for the tutorial on how you achieved such great results.

    Sue xx

  9. Such a pretty card :) i have a few layered flower stamps, one by altenew but have not yet ventured into using the technique. I use the stampoholic (basically the same kind of thing as the misti.) Thanks for the tips i will refer to these when i try out that altenew stamp. Thanks so much for sharing these helpful tips and tricks :)

  10. Gorgeous card as always and great tips for MISTI users.
    Em xxx

  11. The Misti has worked well here Di and your finished flower and sentiment are beautiful. Your instructions are good too, but I wonder if it would be possible to use the Misti with rubber stamps without any cling mount as a lot of my stamps are unmounted and I have the Tsukineko clear adhesive cling mounted on my acrylic block and once this stuff is stuck on the block it is difficult to remove cleanly when you need to change it so wouldn't want to stick that to the Misti. x

    1. Hi Pat! Interestingly, Linby and I had this very same conversation via emails just recently. My solution for rubber stamps without cling mount (such as Elzybells and LOTV ones) is the use just a few little stripes here and there (on the back of the stamp, not the Misti) of removable tape runner. And of course, use the black insert that comes with the Misti to ensure a good stamp. Will email you more!!


      Di xx

  12. Wonderful card and layered stamp with your Misti! This technique is just perfect for the new generetion stamps! Great tip! For now I haven't layered stamps, but this is a thing I would try before or later... :)

  13. Your photos and words are just fine, Di, and I clearly understood what you were doing and saying! Thank you for taking the time to do this photo tute to help those of us new to the MISTI or who haven't tried the multi-step stamping with it yet! You're the BEST!! Hugs, Darnell

  14. Hi Di, lovely card - the inking is perfect. I think I need a Misti for my Rubbernecker poppy stamps! Hugs, Elizabeth.

    PS: Alan has just put a hedgehog house down in the wooded area of the garden. It's looking the perfect home for a needy hedgie family. There's water in place but so far no food because we have a problem - cats. We're wondering if we be feeding our lovely feline visitors instead of the hedgehog we want to attract. Problems, problems!

  15. Ooh Di this is beautiful and your instructions are so clear and percise thank you for sharing this l'd love to have a go so l'm going to copy and paste yours and as always again l love your stitched edges they are so effective xx

  16. Beautiful CAS card, Di, such a lovely flower. I've not got the Misti, but the more a see it being used, the more I think I need to add it to my Christmas list! xx

  17. Good instructions. Would this be the YouTube vid you were looking at? If not it's another one and pretty much what you've shown above.

    1. Hi PJ! That video is very similar to the one I found. The main difference is that the acetate is larger and is attached to the outside edge,top or side, of the Misti in the one I stumbled across. Thank you so much for leaving the link. ☺


      Di xx

  18. Beautiful card Di and such a lovely stamp xx

  19. Ah.... what? Never mind I basically get what you are saying. I always thought that part of the charm of those stamps sas that the layers are a bit wonky. I think they look great all properly lined up too as you've shown here. It does seem a bit of work to make it happen though.

    1. I agree PJ! But you haven't seen just how wonky my version of wonky is๐Ÿ˜„

      Plus, being a perfectionist meant I wasn't using my layered stamps.


      Di xx

  20. Beautiful card Di! I have just got a Misti and am loving it, as my stamping was certainly not the best. I still have lots to learn, but am enjoying watching the online videos.
    Janice x

  21. Beautiful multi-layer stamping Di. I struggle with these types of stamps, so this is very helpful. I have been using my plastic sheet from my stamp-a-ma-jig in my misti for a while now to stamp sentiments. By having it stamped on the sheet, I can move the card around (same as you did above), until I'm completely happy with the placement of the sentiment. Probably overkill for a sentiment, but it's always the last thing I do and I have messed up lots of cards by stamping it in the wrong place. :) xx

  22. thank you for the tutorial, your card is stunning, great effect with colours!
    I am horrible with stamping so I don't use these amazing layer stamps (Misti is on my wishlist :).
    big hug

  23. Gorgeous card and a fabulous tutorial, thank you so much! I will be trying this idea with a plastic sheet, definitely! xxx

  24. Hi Di, just had Mini misti arrive here, and found this an issue as you say, but mine was with verse on card which seemed straight but ended up crooked. Here a you tube video where they flip the acetat and it's only shor too.
    Hugs and prayers dear friend,

    1. Ps meant to say VERY clever card and really great tutorial too, hugs, shaz. Xxx

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