
Saturday 12 July 2014

Tell me if I need to get out more

Last weekend at Newbury I discovered 'Loom Bands' and just made this:
Seriously worried to find how therapeutic it is playing with little elastic bands, a plastic loom plus crochet hook thingy to make bracelets.

Second childhood just around the corner?



  1. If you need to get out more then so do I. I've only just heard about this latest 'thing' but have yet to actually come across any but think I know what you mean about it being therapeutic.

  2. Ah the ladies at the nursing home I go to would totally agree with you
    Whoever is in charge of the marketing surely is effective as seems they're ubiquitous. :)
    Shaz in Oz.x

  3. You're ok Di, just on trend! They are the biggest selling 'toy' around so you are not alone!

  4. Get out more Woman!

    Hee hee . . . only joking mate . . . . looks good.

    Reminds me of the thing I used to spend hours doing as a kid with a sort of wooden doll thing with 4 hooks at the top - cannot for the life of me think what they called it! Created lots of thin sausage things for no good reason!

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  5. Ooh, ooh . . .isn't the internet wonderful? I just looked up what I used to do . . . it was called French Knitting! Phew, at least I can go to sleep tonight instead of racking my brains for the name! xxx

  6. Oh Sarn, I remember French Knitting too! In my day it was often an old bobbin that your Dad had bashed four nails into. And so funny, I don't think I ever made a single thing with the yards and yards of 'sausage' I produced either!

    Hugs, Di xx

  7. Have you seen the dress for sale on ebay? Currently at £170,000.00!!! Goodness knows how long and how many it took to make! I'm more than happy with the rainbow bracelet my daughter made for me! :-) xx

  8. You do not need to get out more lol! I have seen these online and I have to say Di that yours is the prettiest one I have seen. The next big thing do we think?
    Have a lovely weekend and I hope you get the stuff sorted soon, rotten peeps! Karen x

  9. At least you are on trend Di. I've been fingerprinting this morning due to the latest LIM challenge - so see you in the playground for games later!

  10. Ah, do what I do... 'I'm only doing it because the kids want them' - it's a great excuse! Find yourself a child/grandchild/niece/nephew/cousinlet to name drop and loom 'til your heart is content!! :)

  11. I have just spent 2 weeks with my family in Ireland, and my 8yo gd taught me how to do these. They are a bit addicting

  12. Fab make and very cool right now - all the kids will be admiring your handy work and asking you to make one for them!

    Like Linby, I've been fingerprinting today too .... see you in the playground in the morning!


  13. Get Out - soak up the sunshine, but don't forget to take your laggy bands into the playground with you xx

  14. Well you are allowed a second childhood but hope no-one tried to put you on a potty, I remember that tale.
    Good job.

    Kath x

  15. Won't be joining you, I'm afraid, as I have seen so many over the past few weeks, I keep finding them in my bag, pockets, on my desk at work... at least it is a better trend than pokemon cards!

  16. Hmmmmn!
    At least it will keep your fingers occupied and out of trouble!

  17. Stunning Di l see a lot of these around just lately and this one is gorgeous and no you don't need to go out more and if this is therapeutic l'd like to get into doing them myself truly gorgeous xx

  18. Hmmmm....I would say sunshine therapy needed as you've spent too much time locked away in a little room!!
    Still, if it makes you happy :-)
    And I did the Fench Knitting bobbin thingy too. Think I made mine into a scarf, long gone the same way as the dayglo poncho I made in the 70's when I learned to crochet lol :-)
    Big hugs
    Debs x

  19. Di, if you need to get out more, then so do I! I started on one last night that is still on my loom and will be completed later while I'm watching the World Cup final. I'll do a post this week with the finished creation :)

    For anyone in the UK who hasn't yet discovered these, I got my bands and loom from The Works. They've now started doing a loyalty card too.

    Em x
    Creative Em

  20. Ha ha, I keep finding them all over my house, since the gorgeous girlies visit :D
    Thank you for popping over to me Di, always lovely to 'see' you :D I do pop in to see you too! I love Seeing your wonderful cards and cooking, I do enjoy my visits! Happy Sunday to you hugs Gay :D x
    Ps. Congrats on your showcased card at LIM It is fantastic and caught my eye straight away :D x

  21. Oh how fun! Bring on the second childhood!

  22. I think these are great. The craze has even hit the shops in rural Spain, and we aren't usually so up to date.Kate x

  23. teeheehee...You and Little Miss C nd even Little Mr P would be looming together! Boys make them here too. He made each Grandpa and godfather a bracelet in their world cup team colours!

    I remember french knitting. my Dad made mine from a thread spool. I soiled them and sewed them together and made rugs for my doll house!


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