
Wednesday 18 September 2013

My first Zentangle

A lovely buddy bought me goodies to kick me off on the Zentangling road - there's a loooong way to go yet but I thoroughly enjoyed playing. Amazed how time flew and how relaxing it is:
There are mistakes (quite a few) of course but it's a learning curve that's gonna be a lot of fun :) And it's a perfect way to still feel in touch with the joy of crafting when on holiday with just a few supplies, when the time comes.



  1. I'm impressed! I didn't see any boo-boo's. This is wonderful (does it count that I bought a Z-for dummies book back during the summer? It's squirreled away somewhere!) At the stamp show I bought some stamps that have Z's in them, so I'm going to try stamping them, soon as we get past the Halloween stuff. I think you did a fab tangle and if this is your first effort, lady, you got the art down perfect!!! TFS & Hugs

  2. Congrats Di - looks fabulous - by the way there is no such things as mistakes in zentangles!!! It is doodling with a purpose and our little slips help to make them unique - hugs Mxx

  3. Ièm with Maudieroff...that is what makes your Ztangle unique!

    I think it looks fabulous! And perfect with PINK of course!!!

  4. Brilliant Di! I bought a set for my son and I'm pretty sure he hasn't tried it yet. I may have to wheedle it off him! Cathy x

  5. OK, so I am behind the times ... I've never heard of Zentangles before. But whatever it is ... your's is very cool looking :) Loll xx

  6. Excellent !!! This is soooo cool and even better for your first one Di :-D Now you've been bitten I bet you do more of them !!! I blame Sarn myself hahahaha LoL

    IKE xxxxxxxxxxx

  7. Brilliant Di, fantastic.
    caz x

  8. Love it Di. Think I ought to have a go at that cos I could seriously do with something to switch the stress off with at the mo.
    A x

  9. Morning Di . . . WOW . . . your first attempt at Tangling is BRILLIANT (much better than mine was). I can't see any mistakes either. AND you have shading on it - you're a total STAR.

    Practice makes perfect and you'll find you will prefer some patterns more than others.


    Oi Ike . . . I heard that!

    Sarn xxx

  10. Well done, I have had a book for over a year now and only done bits, supposed to do one a day! However, yours is far superior to mine so need to practice more!

  11. fabulous first go! keep it up, its sooo much fun and can never be wrong! (or so I thought!) I was going to do a doodling for the freebie but some how it went wrong, probably cos I'm blog hopping at the same time!


  12. Love it. I spent a while doing a lot of Zentangles including a big one with mine and Keagan's initial in which is now hung up in our back room. The thing is you just do it, no rules, just whatever you feel. Go for it. Take care Zo xx 78

  13. Fabulous tangling! Can just see you beavering away on your tangles at your desk, while supervising naughty girls and boys in the playground from out the window :)

  14. Brilliant and it sounds like the perfect stress buster and doesn't need much stash to play with. x Jo

  15. It looks like this would be such a calming thing to work on, and yet I've never tried one before! Nice work!

  16. Ah Miss! A little bit of a dark horse I see!! Bootiful. Great for being in the Playhouse with limited supplies too and the sharp pointey pens act like darts if you get the wrist right, to aim at the pesky ones!
    Well done. Mistakes? What mistakes. It all looks a bit of a tangle to me!!

  17. Can't see any mistakes Di, stop being so hard on yourself. It's gorgeous. Not sure I want to get into it though, well at least not at the moment - I want to concentrate on my stamping and trying to improve my skills. Love the shapes and shading you have got in the 'square', have a lovely day xx

  18. "WOW" Di another brilliant creation l don't see any mistakes but like you say its a learning curve! l'm still no nearer using my craft room but l do have the internet at the new property which is why l'm able to do a little blogging hope to get back into it sometime in Oct take care xx

  19. Hey Di,You did a good job for your first try-It's fabby! I have never made one,not really sure where to start!
    Nessa xxx

  20. Great minds, Di, I have just tried my hand at zentangling too!! Love what you've done. I think the beauty of doing this is that the mistakes don't show as any wobbly bits just look part of the design, well that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!!
    Hugs Lisax

  21. I'm totally impressed, Di. Zentangle has always seemed a bit complicated and maybe too arty for me. You make it sound like lots of fun and your first attempt looks fabulous :) Hugs, Elizabeth xx

  22. Hello Di,

    Very cool zentangle! Yes, I remember being in the rubber stamp shop and looking at the zentangle books. I ended up taking one of the classes from Suzanne McNeil, author of those books we were looking at.

    For me, zentangle is too structured. To be a true zentangle it has to have certain elements. I'd rather just go with the flow and see what happens.


  23. Not up on this really and I feel that I wouldn't be able to cope as I am not a doodling type of person, doddering but not doodling.
    Love this, especially for a first effort. Fab job.

    Kath x

  24. This looks fantastic and not at all soothing although I've heard other say that. Maybe I need to try it to see. I can always use soothing.

  25. Cool looking! I've always wanted to try one of those. Love this one.

  26. I'm all of a tangle looking at your tangle Miss. It looks just like it is waving in the wind. I couldn't get on with doing four dots and joining em up but this is perfect. Hope Len wos himpressed.
    Hugs Mrs A.
    p.s. Know what we will be doing of an evening in our rooms when we hit the Christmas markets!!

  27. Fab tangle. Don't see how u can make a mistake with a doodle, and can't see any here!
    Debs x

  28. That's great very impressed I love doing it to and I bought a whole set of colour pens in Florida on my hols :) spent way too much but great fun x

  29. Fabulous Di and so much potential x

  30. I forgot that I had to stop in and comment here! Well done on your first Zentangle, Di!


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