
Friday 3 May 2013

A Friday Smile for Annie

Another true tale from me - for Annie's Friday Smile. The image below is taken from a very precious little book of mine called 'The Story of Mr Korah' - written by Christabel Aberconway and illustrated by Rex Whistler:
And it reminds me of a chap I used to work with many years ago, called Ray who was a real practical joker and always cooking up mischief.

He lived in County Durham and told this tale about his 'courting days' with great relish on numerous occasions.

He and his 'bride to be, Celia' had been out for the evening - to the local 'hop', way back in the late 50's or early 60's. As was the custom, he escorted Celia home - and, as was also the custom, they entered her parents house in a small pit village by the back door.

She trotted up the back garden path with Ray following behind and all of a sudden - WHOOOOSH! The next thing Ray knew, a paving stone on the path tilted at 90 degrees and he disappeared from view.

What had happened was that an old mine shaft had given way and Ray just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time :( BUT, as luck would have it, he landed on water pipes that were lain about five foot or so underneath the path - otherwise goodness knows what would have been his fate.

So, there was Ray - head and shoulders sticking above ground level, shaking like a leaf with his life passing before his eyes and what did Celia do?

She only turned round, took one look at him and said 'Oh come on Ray, stop mucking about!'.

Thankfully he survived with no real injuries - except for his pride!



  1. Hehehe. Your tales never fail to make me chuckle Di. Why is it we laugh when something like this happens? :-)
    Annie x

  2. OMG!!! I'm almost feeling guilty laughing at the poor chap! Thanks for the smile!
    Jo x

  3. and it never stopped him playing jokes? some poeple never learn do they.

    Great story

    Gill x

  4. So that's why they say "falling in love"!!! x Jo

  5. Oh dear, I'm laughing but feeling bad about it ... just as I did when I saw that scene with John Travolta in Pulp Fiction, if you've seen it you will know what I mean :) Thank goodness it all ended well. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Elizabeth xx

  6. lol! Ty for sharing Di the story. That's a gorgeous illustration in your book Karen x

  7. Loved this picture, and loved your post! What a delightful story. I'm certain with their different personalities (practical joker and practical other person!) they must have lived 'happily ever after'. TFS

  8. Oh that poor chap! These things always do make us laugh after the event don't they...especially when we know they turned out OK. Thanks for sharing. Caro x (#5)

  9. Love the picture and the story!

  10. What a sadistic lot we are, always love tales about others disasters, glad that someone remembers them.

    Kath x

  11. As my friend would say "typical female"! LOL

  12. Oh my goodness. that poor fellow!
    Must have taken him a long time to live that down. (sorry for the unintentional pun).

  13. Thanks for sharing your smile ...I didn't so a smile post this week sorry xx

  14. lol....another great tale Di l hope there wasn't too much damage to him sounds like a nasty fall and are they still together? xx

  15. LOL! Do love your stories Di! Vicky x

  16. this is really fun! Hugs Juls


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