
Wednesday 6 March 2013


Incredible - the sun shone here yesterday! This was my desk before I reluctantly tootled off to do some ironing yesterday afternoon, it's so lovely to be able to craft in decent light for a change:
Ha! It looks suspiciously tidy dontcha think? Good job you couldn't see the piles of stuff heaped on our bed - but at least the coffee cup had already been taken into the kitchen.The rationale behind piling stuff onto our bed BTW is that it forces me to clear it all away at the end of the day so we can sleep - and in the process do a little more tidying as well.

This is what I was playing with:

Twinkling H2Os just to tickle a second layer of butterfly wings for the image I'd been colouring with Pro Markers.
OCD to the fore again - before ruining touching the butterflies with H2Os I was trying a little patch to the bottom right on the card I'd stamped on and scribbled some Pro Marker on. The stamp is Penny Black's 'Butterfly Suite' BTW.

The Pro Marker storage rack has been in residence here for ages. Sadly, it was a prototype, and production of a new line never happened due to manufacturing problems. But, of course Crafter's Companion now have their super stackable marker pen storage - which is versatile for all shapes and sizes. But, me still loves my rack and it's just such a shame it never materialised as a viable product for big manufacturing runs.

That's my WOYWW for this week - and we did have a bed to sleep in :)

To see what everyone else is playing with on their desks this week just hop over to Julia's (The Queen of WOYWW) and join in the fun and frolics. See you there!

Quick edit: Julia is totally right, the storage rack is mahoosive large. It lives on a shelf behind the desk and, as it's in effect one piece of cleverly shaped and drilled perspex, just lifts to where I need it. Either in front of me, or to the side - depending on surrounding mess :)



  1. That is too tidy even for you, but I do wish mine was half as clear. I envy you those H2O's, I only have a very few and I love them. Have a good week of tidying etc. xx Maggie (no number yet)

  2. Hi Di!! ah what an amazing lot of H2O's - cant imagine having that much colour choice I am such a procrastinator! love the butterfly colouring though - and great method for tidying up :D Use it myself you see! Happy WOYWW no number yet, Shaz in oz.x

  3. That really is tidy for you Di. Mine is exceptionally so too....just in case of a viewing of course :-)
    A x # 44

  4. Morning Di, your pen storage is loverly! Mine are just stashed away in a couple of plastic boxes - good enough, but I have to rake through them to find the colour I need. I think you must be the tidiest and most organised crafter I know - if you don't believe me take a look at the mess that is mine today :) The bed thing is just yet more evidence of this - forcing yourself to clear up before you can get into it!!!! BTW, the stamp you are working on is lovely. Happy WOYWW. Hugs, Elizabeth x #26

  5. Happy WOYWW. Lovely colouring - and never seen so many H2Os in one place! I now have a new rule - if something takes 1 minute or less, do it straightaway. Really helps to keep my day on the straight and narrow. Ali x #22, with candy

  6. In total awe at your ProMarkers Di, I love the storage unit and as you say, such a shame the design wasn't put into production.

    Hubby says you're dangerous as I now need to source that wonderful PB stamp, it's gorgeous. I'm never going to save more than £2 at this rate especially after also seeing those H20 beauties, l don't have any of those!

    Oh dear!

    Happy WOYWW xx

  7. Hi Di

    Your workspace defo looks much tidier than mine.

    It is nearly time for me to clean down ready to start again!!

    I too put things on our bed LOL!!!

    Loving the look of your little project there.

    Have a good day.

    Love Jules xx

  8. Happy WOYWW Di. VERY neat and tidy, I'm coming round to play! xxx

  9. You are such a tidy crafter! (I know you say there's loads piled on your bed but even so...) have a great day. Helen 8

  10. Oh My! Look at those H2Os! I don't have one to my name! Perhaps you can introduce me to them in Ally Pally.
    Your desk is way to tidy!
    Your way of clearing up, is kinda what I do to Hubby. All his bits and pieces he leaves around, I pile up on his chair so he cannot sit down, tho sometimes he just plonks it on the floor!
    Happy Wednesday!

  11. Hooray for tidy desks! Let's just hope it'll stay like this for a day or two! lol

    Happy WOYWW. xx
    Waving hi from the Pyramids in Egypt!
    Roudi # 58

  12. Your rack is splendid! Erm....
    I can see why it wouldn't make it though..apart from anything - it's chuffing huge compared to storage systems out there now! Love the colours you're using on that butterfly..I feel the need to ask if you've used your postioning tool yet? And if not, shall we get together for a play date?

  13. Hi there, thanks for the peek into your world this week. Great pile of H2O's too. Must find mine again!
    Neil # 23

  14. Wow, what wonderful crafty Treasure :) the colour range is Gorgeous x
    Happy WOYWW Heather #59

  15. That’s a very pretty stamp Di and I’m sure you didn’t ruin it at all by adding the H2o’s to it. I really don’t use mine enough and really should get them out again for an airing.
    It’s such a shame the storage didn’t make it to production, is perfect isn’t it.
    Happy Crafting!
    Sue @86

  16. Great space you have! Love your project!
    Glenda #77

  17. I love your desk today your promarkers look great in their storage unit and as you say so easy to move when needed.
    I love your stamp and the way you have coloured it what a lot of
    Have a great WOYWW thank you for sharing your workspace today
    Ria #39

  18. I too was thinking how big that rack looks, then I scrolled down some more and read your edit! As you know that stamp was on my desk for ages but I've put it away again, unused! I also colour off to the side to check colours too! Nice to see the sun, our clocks go forward next Saturday too, earlier than in the UK but there will be so much more light again.

    Brenda 105

  19. Hi Di! That is one huge rack! Your H20's are wonderful! Love what you are doing with that image. it looks like you have used several images together. I never think to layer my h2o's with my copies. I think they can ruin them unless I put them in a certain order. I am going to have to research that and give it a go.

    Hugs, Robin - 117

  20. Happy WOYWW - lovely work in progress. What a great collection of H20s too. Gill x #45

  21. Great job so far! Can't wait to see the finished work! happy woyww!

  22. l like your pen stacker Di and what a lot of crafty goodies your showing your desk looks ready for action xx

  23. Hello Di,

    Love your coloring. I'm impressed with all those H2Os. Do you have every color ever made?!? tee hee

    I'm not participating this week but had to drop in to visit some of my favorites.


  24. Ooooo, such a pretty stamped image and I love the colors you chose for it!

    Happy Woyww,

    Sandy #122

  25. You are looking very tidy, Di. That's cheating hiding everything from us!!
    Love your pen storage. i have a home made one and love it. Cheap and me really!!
    You and i need to get together and play with H20's. You need to get adventurous with them.
    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lisax #55

  26. That's such a pretty image you are working on Di. I remember looking up your pen storage when you first posted about it and I was disappointed then that it was not into production. I have looked at the CC one too, but i think really my pens are safer stored in a drawer away from our fierce summer sun. Kate x #57

  27. Wow, Di, you have my heart aflutter and twinkling H2Oing with how efficiently you are set up there for making something stunning. If I had my markers like 99% of other stampers, I'd be so in the market for that fab rack (or something similar since that one didn't make it)! And that is quite an impressive collection of twinklers!

    I can't wait to see what you make. You may inspire me to take my H2Os out of hiding. You inspired me earlier this week with your triple stamping and I've featured you on my WOYWW post today.

    I'll prolly be back over to chat about other posts yet this week, but as far as WOYWW goes, I'll see you in a couple of weeks if I'm not able to hop on my laptop while I'm away. xxoo Darnell

  28. Very interesting, I hope that you put the craft stuff on your side of the bed just in case you don't get to tidy it all away, can't have you spoiling the lovely Len's side of the bed, he needs his sleep to cope with you!!??

    Kath x

  29. Such an amazing storage system it's a shame that they weren't able to manufacture more. OCD seems to be affect a lot of us crafters, I have OCD but not where cleaning is concerned lol. Hugs, Amanda x

  30. Hi Di very neat and tidy. I strive for it but never manage it. Love the pro marker unit. Sorry to be late. Anne x

  31. Very neat and tidy, love your pen rack, as you know I have my pen storage so know how fab it is to have them at hand in such a way. I'm most envious of your H2O collection! I'm just starting my desk visiting as I rested yesterday so I could go to footy last night (you probably knew that!). We (Bristol Rovers) won! So I am a very happy Zoe today. Take care Zo xx 92

  32. Everything on your desk is so neat and tidy. All colors together..... I want to see the mess! LOL
    April #145

  33. Neat pen storage. yes, it seems when you think you've found the perfect item... you can't get it any longer. I do love the set by Crafter Companion. I just need more of them. :-)

    I also love your H2Os storage. Can you tell me what you are using?

    Creative Blessings on your tidyness hehe
    Kelly #156

  34. You have a serious overload of H2o's on yer desk Miss. Can I have a rummage!! Hugs Mrs A.

  35. I love the storage of the twinkling h2o's. I think I will have to go look for one similar to it. I have a bunch of them also but no way to store them. I took a class and the teacher said to never put the lid back on them cause the save the water but I put all the lids back on and only leave them to air dry for a few days now. It takes up too much space to have all the little jars everywhere drying! Little late getting around this week but better a little late then never! Hope you have a great week. Vickie #11

  36. Thanks for a quick snoop at your desk - sorry I am a bit late this week - I don't know where time goes. I thought you had a box full of sewing thread bobbins at first - bit slow off the mark today!!! x Jo


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