
Wednesday 12 October 2011


Well, it's been a fun time in the craft room this past 24 hours! Right now my head is spilling over with wedding stationery ideas - eek though, what if they don't like anything I manage to come up with by next Monday evening! This is the state of the bit of my desk I feel able to show as I left it yesterday evening:
Only two samples finished but lots of bits in the oblong box at the back ready for some square invitations and example place cards, umpteen pairs of scissors, different sticky stuff, ink pads from colouring flowers as shown on the lovely Jules' blog here (great idea and worth a look!) and the hot fix wand - also one of Jules' brilliant gadget ideas :) I know that Elizabeth is very taken with the idea of hot fix nail heads and I promise you wouldn't regret investing in one. Just resist the temptation to touch the nail heads too soon after fixing them - ouch :)

There's an invitation sample with butterflies on and, although I could find aubergine card in Hobby Craft, there was no paper - and the butterfly punch does not do card at all - so, thanks to a little bit of inspiration (today's long word) I bought some aubergine envelopes to match the card and carefully dissected those instead. Not the cheapest way of doing things but at least I can play until I know exactly what shade Jess really has in mind. Carol also sent me some SU eggplant/aubergine card which I can show as an alternative if my definition of aubergine is too dark! Thanks Carol :)) Aren't crafters just the very best at diving in to help!!

Behind the butterfly card you can see a creamy white stick. This is sooo cool - a great find for clumsy folk like me (the arthritis in my right thumb doesn't help either - poor old crock!):
This is it with the lid off for a closer peek. It's a Pinflair Pick Up Tool and can be bought from Amazon, e-Bay and quite a few craft suppliers. The end is like a sticky blob so you can pick up little gems etc. really easily - I use it a lot to help me to pick up/position hot fix nail heads. If the sticky loses its 'tackiness' you just rinse it in warm water and leave it to dry. So far I haven't needed to do this and I've had it for a while - but I do keep the cap on it in between picking up stuff which probably helps.

To see what everyone else is up to today and to have a good nose at their desks etc. - just hop over to Julia's here. Happy snooping :))



  1. Personal choice - the butterfly card, though I would prefer them a shade or two lighter, but no doubt the lass knows exactly what shade she wants! It was certainly a tough colour to find. You are going to be a busy bee over the next few weeks, but you look very organised. Sometimes I quite enjoy doing a run of things all the same. I looked at the nail heads once but never took it any further. I might have to look again. Have fun! Kate x

  2. They look lovely - simple but effective, which is what you want. My two only wanted ribbon threaded with a silver diamante heart buckle but that is enough when you're making so many and the design has to be carried over to every other single bit of stationery - including place settings, table plans, Order of Service, etc. Good luck. Must admit I did find them quite therapeutic to make x

  3. Ah, silver diamante heart buckles are on order - the ones I have would be too big so am waiting for smaller ones to arrive. They would be my preferred choice for simplicity :) Di xx

  4. Gorgeous designs Di. I may just be picking your brains for M's wedding designs at some point :-)
    A x

  5. Oh I feel for you! I made 150 invitations and 100 evening invitations and 200 place setting a few years ago for mil friends daughter and NEVER again!
    I hope it all goes well!
    Thanks for sharing

  6. Crumbs! I'm hoping it's half that number Lulabelle. Thanks for scaring me half to death :) Di xx

  7. You'll be fine Di . . . if you survived all that punching out of things for the School Do, the wedding invites will be a breeze!

    Happy WOYWW

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  8. Looks like you're going to be really busy soon then Di!! The butterflies come in useful for so many things (see my latest WOYWW Wedding Card). The picky-up tool is fantastic, the one you send me got used so much on the wedding card!!!! Enjoy WOYWW!

  9. I have a different version tool with some sticky green stuff that you can wind down and some pocky and pushy bits at the other end for once you have things in position - clear as day! Good luck with the wedding cards, she will be spoilt for choice.

  10. Hi there. Just a quick peek around the door this week as time is definitely not on my side! I did want to visit though. Great looking designs!

  11. You are a brave sole!!! Such beautiful cards to pick from she will have a hard time deciding I bet! You will have you hands full when the decision is made...
    Good Luck!!!

  12. ooooooh pretty! I love that butterfly punch, and it makes fab wedding invites. Don't envy you having to make so many tho!

    Happy WOYWW

    Debs x

  13. Loving the wedding samples Di, the colour combination is stunning. If you have an Aubergine Promarker you could always punch the butterflies in White and colour them, that’s what I do if when Punches and dies won’t work on card and I need to match something.

    Happy Crafting!

  14. These are looking very classy, Di. It's a lovely colour combo. The butterflies are definitely doing it for me!!
    Have fun.
    Hugs Lisax

  15. OMG Di these are stunning! Love the butterflies but then you knew I would. That would be a heck of a lot of punching, unless you can get 'someone' to help out I'd take one off and save my hand.

  16. love your invites and im sure they will too they are beautiful.Just short today as not too good .Have creative week and good lukc with the invites
    hugs judex 28

  17. Mmmmm, nice samples missus!! Really love the flower one, so classy (just like me....NOT!). But my favourite thing on your blog this week is the sticky picky uppy thingie. I need one of them really badly as I'm incredibly cack handed sometimes :D
    Hugs, LLJ xx

  18. Hi Di, your doing really well here, They are looking really good i love the colours and the butterflies are a lovely touch too! keep it up you'll get through it :) Sandra H

  19. Hi Di I love the aubergine, and especially the butterflies, I think the aubergine takes the groom into account by stopping them being too girly.
    p.s glad I wasn't the only one getting the linky thing wrong. but I bet I was the only one who spent all evening posting comments to everyones June 2010 woyww's!.Duh!xx

  20. Lovely wedding samples, Di. The butterflies are gorgeous, even if they did cost you an arm and a leg! Like that sticky pick-up tool - like you I have arthritis in my hands and the fiddling I have to do with tweezers is exasperating - my big word for today :) I intend looking for those nail heads at the SECC show in a couple of weeks and will heed your warning :) Hope you day has been a good one. Elizabeth x #53

  21. I love both the cards... though the butterfly one is, IMHO, a little bit more elegant... and those gorgeous colours!

  22. Lovely busy desk there and I like the cards - like the one on todays post too - I have that stamp as my son is learning the guitar but I have yet to use it! One day ..... thanks for sharing.

  23. ohoo wow these are just really two cute cards, very professional! and Yes, about the scissors, a few have mentioned the way I store them, and have said they now do the same!
    Have a great week!

  24. Thanks for your visit earlier. I am back online by using the laptop through the broadband modem (after an awful lot of fiddling to get things updated and functioning), so at least I can talk. The PC is off to hospital tonight (that is Shaz Silverwolf' husband, who is brilliant and family).
    Those two cards are both beautiful and it would be very hard to choose between them.

  25. Wow....they are great! Love em all Di, hate to be the one to choose! Great little gadget that Pick Up Tool...does it work on 20 something's clothes? Just asking (wouldn't that be wonderful!!!).

  26. Hello Di

    Being the VERY bad blogger that I am, I thought I'd pop by and say hello - and boy, i'm admiring your wedding stationery. I LOVE that butterfly punch... in fact so much so that I have it too!!! lol...

    I've not joined in with WOYWW - not because I dont want to, just because by the time I've sorted stuff out here and managed to get to a square one (with me, the dog, my chores etc), its too late and there are hundreds of enteries! Do you know I've actually got more drafts on my blogger where I've started them, have the photos somewhere, then find its Friday before I think about it again...

    Happy to have stopped by and see your gorgeous work in progress - loving the very classy black and cream - with added aubergine.

    Lots of love to you

    Paula x x x

  27. Oh - just meant to add that you've roused my interest in that hotfix jobdie that i'm going to check it out. Is it something I need in my life do you think?


    Paula x xx

  28. Loving the colours Di, the Aubergine is really classy. I'm sure the lady will love all of your ideas but ti is stressful for you isn't it?

    Brenda 88

  29. I'd never heard of the hotnail thingy before. That's why these visits are so much fun. I've also never heard of the Piflair do hickey. I might just need that tool (grin). What I don't understand is why the punch won't cut cardstock. I have punches that won't cut magazine images because the paper is too thin, but never had one that wouldn't cut CS. Still, I love your samples

  30. Lovely elegant invitations, love the aubergine such a rich colour. May have to invest in the picky up tool as I struggle to get the nail heads in position too. I have been very good and not touched them whilst they are hot for a while...really hurts when you do though lol


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