
Tuesday 27 September 2011

The latest from Annie about M and the babies

plus some photos. Each day is bringing an improvement - skip over here to Annie's blog and have a look, I defy you not to be moved!!



  1. Been over to Annie's Di and the photos just made me well up ... so nice to see M with her babies at last. No, I hope you haven't overdone things by backward flipping round the garden ... and goodness knows what the neighbours must think :) Elizabeth x

  2. You really are a gem Di. I really appreciate all your very special help and support and for passing on all our news to others.
    Huge hugs,
    Annie xxxx

  3. Ditto!!! Your cheery updates and wicked backflips have kept a smile on our faces - thanks Di!! x Jo

  4. Thanks for that Di, l have called at Anne's blog and looked at the new arrivals they are oh so cute!! proud parents and grandparents its nice that things are becoming better and hopefully it won't be too long now before mum and babies are out of hospital and home God bless then all thank you Di:) Sandra H

  5. Excellent news . . . gonna hop on over to see the latest.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx


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