
Tuesday 13 September 2011

Diary of a perfect day!

Where do I begin!?

3am - Nudged gently by Len when I stir - leak in shower in main bathroom

4am - unable to sleep - worrying and talking in the dark, as well as checking said leak :(

5am - the time I was born, early in the day and late for most things ever since, make us a cup of tea each (so where was the Birthday Fairy then, checking the flipping drip!) and hop back into bed to sleepily open birthday cards and gifts

6am - Len gets ready for the day and I hop into shower wondering what the h*ll is going on........... before he turns the water off

7am - look at blog and post today's blog post having taken photos half asleep using new daylight craft lamp - I love it and am so thrilled with gifts from Len, my oh so knowing friend Karen and other friends - but also numb as to what seems to be unfolding. Feel bad that some lovely bloggy friends asked for my birthday and I evaded the question - only 'cos I don't want to be a bother, I'd be hopping if they didn't tell me their birthdays! Sorry :((

8am - phone plumber and promised a visit at 2pm

9am - breakfast of bacon roll and coffee - consumed by two bewildered sleepy faces

10am - see lots of lovely messages on Face book from friends and emails too, it seems surreal - rictus grin settling in - am I already losing the plot?

11am - Len has phone consultation with doc re. eye problem - whoosh, feet don't touch the ground and he's off to the docs' surgery ( don't phone consultations just make you wanna laugh - err hello - 'just bend over in front of the receiver and I'll diagnose if those are heaps of trouble - ie. piles - or not')

Noon - Len home with appointment to go to hospital later this afternoon for check of problem. Me still trying to be normal and sticking inserts into cards and packing them

1pm - postman calls with more cards, my order from Handy Hippo (yay, all is not lost!!)  plus nice cheque from Inland Revenue with Tax Refund - OK, my money I know so why get excited but useful little pocket money I hadn't expected for Ally Pally :)

2pm - no sign of plumber - man, more wet towels for the washing machine
- when I can run it of course!! We do have water again BTW if you wonder how we're flushing the toilets etc!! I carry on crafting and kind of tidying some stash away - just fiddling around really

3pm - phone plumber's mobile to say we have to go out and will miss him if he comes around - no reply and so left message on answering service

4pm - at hospital, in my  little car as Len not allowed to drive afterwards. More than once on that journey I slow right down and threaten to make him walk - he hates me driving and I also think is embarrassed to be seen in my little silver 'girlie' sports car - I tell him to put his shades and a baseball cap on at one point, shame on me!! Park and head to eye clinic - massive, HUGE, detour through hospital grounds as building work in progress, me all the while praising those who look over us that he wasn't on crutches therefore meaning I might have to piggy back him. Then, poor sausage, I make him scrub hands at each Spirogel station as don't want to come home with more than we went in with - oh man, I need to lie down

4:30 - 6pm - waiting, waiting - but, in the end thankfully a good outcome, just PVD not a detached retina - jumping for joy (I am at least, as am also longing for the loo!)

6pm - huh, I NOW have Shrek for company as we toddle back to the car! Complete with his yellow eye whites and blinking in the bright sunlight.....the sun decided to come out to play at last! Pay out a fortune for car parking but right now would also throw in an arm and a leg just to get home

7pm - get home to note saying plumber had been delayed and did call at house at at 4:20. WHAT?! Phone plumber and tomorrow is another day - he wishes me Happy Birthday to add insult to injury! Evening ritual at last, sit outside watching the evening draw in, Len safely here in Joe Cool shades (hey, I think he just likes the look now!) and I say it's almost my third worst birthday (number one was being laid up with infection at my teenage birthday of 13 in Singapore in a darkened room, number two was about 16 when return to boarding school happened right on my birthday (it was a wipe out due to leaving home then arriving at school and settling in - not a nice day). I later think this was such a crass thing to say or even think, each birthday is very precious and should be totally cherished whatever happens

8pm - bless, Len says 'Sit down, it's your Birthday' as he prepares pizza from the freezer! :))

10pm - wake from dozing in front of the TV, look around and think 'So what really is so special about a birthday?'. Gently wake Len up, lock up house and toddle off back to bed, VERY tired.........a champagne party would have been a lot easier, but I wouldn't change it :)

Excuse me though - does he really need to sleep in his sun shades?!?! I'm off to sneak those off before I set this to post at midnight ready for tomorrow! I hope I get more time to hop around but if anyone thinks I've been kinda quiet you know why :))



  1. Well, the final insult to all that injury is that I'm sitting here commenting at 23.41hrs - so much for scheduling it for midnight. Glad to hear that whatever Len has it is nothing like as bad as you thougth - though I've absolutely no idea what PVD is ... must look it up tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a better day I hope. Elizabeth x

  2. You have a knack for telling stories. I didn't know if I should laugh, feel sorry or be thankful it was you and not me?! That was meant in a funny endearing way - honestly! Happy Birthday Blog Girlfriend! Cheers!

  3. Well you could be like the queen and have two birthdays, so when the first one is rubbish, you get a second chance!!! Ally pally, now there is a birthday treat, would love to go there!!! Lucky girl...!!!

  4. Hi Di

    Belated happy birthday wishes to you!!!

    I bet you slept last night .. you must have been plain exhausted.

    I hope today goes better and the plumber actually turns up today. Try to resist thrashing him with the soaking wet towels!!!

    Have a better "un-birthday" today.

    Love Jules xx

  5. Happy belated Birthday honey bunch. What an eventful day for you. Glad Len's results were good.
    A x
    M back in hospital by yesterday tea time and has contracted all night but still no results...maybe today?????? I don't know about her but I'm kna******.

  6. Yes and I was awake half the night - to excited to sleep - ha! Happy Birthday for yesterday - what a day. Take a day out and celebrate when things have settled down. x Jo

  7. I am not speaking to you!


    Hugs, Sandra x

  8. Oh my word - I'm exhausted just reading about your day!! Have a lovely belated b'day x x

  9. Is that a day to remember !! or forget!! Good idea of Karens have another birthday with all the good things you would like champagne included!!!
    Glad Lens OK and hope the plummer turns up as planned.

    Happy Birthday for yesterday like me I expect you are not counting the years???

  10. Oh, what a nightmare! But good news that Len's not got a detached retina. I hope you're having a better day today!

    luv, Mags x

  11. Hi Di, you pack a great story loved reading about your day, great news regarding Len's eye, did the plumber turn up and is it an easy job to fix? hope your having a better day:) Sandra H

  12. It's the way you tell 'em! I wanted to laugh but it seemed inappropiate when you were not having the best of birthdays. Hope today was a better day. Belated birthday wishes ( naughty girl!!). Hugs Dee xx

  13. Happy belated birthday! Enjoyed reading about your day. Good new about Len eye.
    Hope today was a better day for you.
    Diane xx

  14. Belated Birthday wishes, 21 again. What a great way to spend a birthday, not.
    Glad all is well though with DH.
    Pity there isn't a card involved or you could enter it in a couple of challenges this week that have the theme 'song title' this would go really well with Max Bygraves 'Tell me a story, lol.

    Take care.

    Kath x

  15. sounds like one busy day! I love early mornings!

  16. Oh what a day!!!
    happy Birthday Di
    I think you should be like the Queen, an declare another birthday at the weekend...this time make sure you are spoilt rotten!


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